Lyrical Minutes in the City came about in the production of Bunker under the auspices of the Mladi levi festival 2011. The events were directed by the renowned Belgian artist Dirk Opstaele, who has been working with his Brussels-based artistic group Leporello for several years now. Singers/actors performing were all nationally as well as globally renowned opera artists. The synergy formed between the director, his sensitivity for opera music and outstanding performers thus assures the success of every »lyrical surprise in the city«.
Due to a great interest following the premiere in Ljubljana in August 2011, the lyrical surprises took place throughout the summer of 2012. The overall enthusiasm brought about by the Lyrical minutes in the city has triggered its guest appearances abroad.
Director: Dirk Opstaele
Performers: Katja Konvalinka, Irena Yebuah Tiran, Diego Barrios Ross, Jure Počkaj
Sound design: Jure Vlahovič
Producer: Mojca Jug
Production: Bunker, Ljubljana
Co-production: Ensemble Leporello
26th–28th August 2011, Mladi levi festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Past performances:
April 2012, Ieper, Belgium
July 2012, Nieuwpoort, Belgium
August 2012, Bruges, Belgium
August 2012, Kleine Fest, Hannover, Germany
summer 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia
28th November 2012, Drugajanje festival, Maribor, Slovenia
July 2013, Hannover, Germany
August 2013, Sziget Festival, Budapest, Hungary
summer 2013, Ljubljana, Slovenia
26th May 204, Rdeči revirji Festival, Trbovlje, Slovenia
21st June 2014, Neighbour’s Day at Križevniška, Ljubljana, Slovenia
26st June 2014, Taste Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2nd and 3rd August 2014, festival Schengenfest, Vinica, Slovenia
11-18 August, Sziget Festival, Budapest, Hungary
20th September 2014, Festival urbane kulture Kočevje, Kočevje, Slovenia
30th and 31st May 2015, Berlin Festival, Germany
19th June2015, Sem glasba sem mesto festival, Novo mesto, Slovenia
1st July 2015, Spectrum Theaterfest, Villach, Austria
July 2015, Kleines Fest, Hannover, Germany
25th February 2016, Haus des Meeres, Wien, Austria
19th April 2016, Jable Castle, Jable, Slovenia
19th May 2016, Hotel Toplice, Bled, Slovenia
20th October 2016, Marina Portorose, Portorose, Slovenia
26th October 2016, Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana, Slovenia
7th November 2016, Golf Club, Smlednik, Slovenia
12th November 2016, Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana, Slovenia
23rd November 2016, Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana, Slovenia
30th November 2016, Dom Janeza Trdine, Novo Mesto, Slovenia
14th April 2017, Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana, Slovenia
12th September 2017, MOS, Celje, Slovenia
23rd November 2017, Gospodarsko razstavišče, Ljubljana, Slovenia
3rd February 2018, Hotel Triglav, Bled, Slovenia
15th March 2018, Klub Cankarjevega doma, Ljubljana, Slovenia
12th June 2018, Ossiach, Villach, Austria
Up-coming performances:
10th – 14th August 2018, Festival Sziget 2018, Budapest, Hungary