Line No.10: THE BOOK

Photo: Urška Boljkovac
In an unobtrusive and innovative way, the project tried to instigate free exchange of books, where people take it in their hands simply because it is in the right place at the right time. Bus stops are places where people wait for a bus to convey them to their desired destination. While waiting, they find shelves at the bus stop with an interesting and diverse range of books. Initially from curiosity, and then, from habit, citizens take books in their hands and begin to leaf through them. The books are not fixed to the bus stop shelves, so passengers are able to take them with them and continue reading them on the bus until they reach their destination bus stop. If the book draws them in, they take it home and, either at home or the following day on the same journey to work, school or university, read it to the end. Infrastructure is installed for returning and including old and new books into the exchange system. Approximately 20 000 books were exchanged through the Proga10_Knjiga system.
