Leja Jurišić, Teja Reba: THE SECOND FREEDOM
Photo: Nada Žgank
Freedom is a violent project breaking away, with the constant risk of falling back under the sway of a power as securing as it is stifling. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. If you want to save Peru, go and save Peru.We should never wear stockings or underclothes because it is important to breathe freely. But the most courageous act is still to think for yourself, aloud. The second freedom is not anything goes but everyone stays.
Julia Kristeva, Ronald Reagan, Marilyn Monroe, Coco Chanel, John Winston Lennon, Unknown
Authors and performed by: Leja Jurišić, Teja Reba
Scenography, light design, costums: Petra Veber
Music: Davor Herceg
Technical director: Igor Remeta
Technical team: Andrej Petrovčič, Duško Pušica, Tomaž Žnidarčič
Producer: Žiga Predan
Thanks to: Bara Kolenc, Nejc Saje (Strup), Sašo Kalan (Sonolab)
Production: Bunker, Ljubljana
Co-production: Pekinpah / Kink Kong
The performance is supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union as part of the network Imagine 2020: Art and Climate Change.
13th June 2013 at 8.00 pm, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
Up-coming performances: /
Past performances:
14th and 15th June 2013 at 8.00 pm, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
28th September 2013 at 8.00 p.m., Festival Spider Expand!, Španski Borci – cultural centre
22nd, 23th and 24th November 2013 at 8.00 p.m., Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
4th and 5th April 2014 at 8.00 pm, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
19th April 2014 at 8.00 p.m., Festival Spider Expand!, Lyon, France
21st and 22nd May 2014 at 8.00 pm, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
8th September 2014 at 9.00 pm, F I A T – Festival Internacionalnog Alternativnog Teatra, Podgorica, Montenegro
6th October 2014 at 10.00 pm, City of Women festival, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
20th February 2015 at 9.00 pm, Gibanica, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
N. Jelesijević: God’s blessing on all coochies who long and work for that bright day, Radio študent, 17. 6. 2013 (pdf 148 KB)
Cards (pdf 2,91 MB)
Camera: Tone Stojko, Simon Stojko Falk, Tereza Kozinc
Video adaptation: Tone Stojko (Prodok Teater TV Ljubljana)
Photo: Nada Žgank
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