Laila Soliman: NO TIME FOR ART 0.0.

Laila_Soliman_foto_ Gunnar LüschPhoto: Gunnar Lüsch

October 5th at 8.00 p.m.

The first part of the cycle No Time for Art 0.0. is an interactive performance that involves the audience, embarking on a very special challenge in its search for various expressions of commemoration of the martyrs who died in the Egyptian Revolution. The audience members in the performance are thus faced with the possibility of calling upon the International Criminal Court in Hague to initiate a judicial process against the persons responsible for the massacre of these martyrs… (Laila Soliman)

Concept and direction: Laila Soliman, Sherin Hegazy, Zainab Magdy, Mina El Naggar, Ahmed El Gendy, Mustafa Said
Production, lighting design and video: Ruud Gielens
Organization: Mesto žensk