The Kulturstik project came to life in collaboration with eight elementary schools and four partner cultural institutions in 2009 and was brought to an end in the fall of 2010. The conceptual guideline of the project was to demonstrate and actively involve students and teachers in creative processes of aesthetically somewhat more demanding and socially engaged contemporary art. 596 students and 65 teachers took active part in the project together with numerous artists who ran various art workshops and presented their works.
Workshops of contemporary dance and animated film were organized for teachers at the partner schools, whereas students could take part in circus, contemporary dance, animated film and comic workshops, which were brought to an end with short presentations. The project allowed students to visit Kinodvor and see somewhat more demanding films in terms of artistic value and content as the type of films usually screened in local cinemas: animated film Persepolis, Million Dollar Baby and The Traveller Girl, semi-documentary film about the life of an ethnic minority of nomads in Ireland. During their second visit in Ljubljana, the participants were introduced to contemporary theatre with the performance Show your face! by the Slovenian – Latvian collective Betontanc & Umka.LV. The performance was followed by workshops (costume design, lighting and sound design, animation of objects, development of analytic and critical thought, creative writing and dance workshop) and conversations with creators of the performance.
The project Kulturstik thus represents an example of good practice of introducing artistic contents in school curricula in a coherent, innovative and inclusive manner. The results of this collective creative process were presented at the Kulturstik festival, which took place on 14th April 2010 in Sevnica.
Participating schools: Osnovna šola Sava Kladnika Sevnica (the project leader), Osnovna šola Brežice, Osnovna šola Raka, Osnovna šola Jožeta Gorjupa Kostanjevica na Krki, Osnovna šola Ledina, Osnovna šola Mirana Jarca Črnomelj, Osnovna šola borcev za severno mejo Maribor, Osnovna šola Prestranek
Partners of the project: Bunker Ljubljana (the initiator of the project), Kinodvor, Društvo za oživljanje zgodbe 2 koluta, Forum Ljubljana, Cirkokrog
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