I dreamt I was a Movie Star (Wroclaw, Poland)

On the first sight it seems as if contemporary society was determined by the massive use of technology, which actually introduced the notion of a virtual, intangible and fictive world into social systems. Invention of motion picture gave art a parallel simulated space of new illusions, which was further on supplemented by a procedural framework and a temporal component in the production of art.

The axis of this project, designed by prostoRož collective, is constituted by nothing other than film space itself. The concept explores the issue of space in a broader horizon, which sees space not only as a constructional dimension, but also as a social register. It takes into account the complex role that a space is to play in relation to both, other spaces and its users likewise when designing installations in space. The subject of space design is therefore architecture with its former content, which – instigated by temporal and technological distance – once again comes to inhabit the sphere between art on the one hand and space as elaborated in old film production’s architecture on the other, together with its full accompanying equipment. The project combines the existing elements with contemporary technical accessories and the synergy thus formed gives birth to an interactive piece of art.

The project raises as well as answers several questions related to a specific space, which is undergoing construction towards a new film-and-space-embedded content with contemporary flavour, whereas the construction itself is triggered as the collective introduces a new element in the repetitive act of placing together film equipment. The project’s emphasis is placed on perpetual fluidity between interior and exterior, between filling up and emptying out, while on the other hand it also represent a gesture of construction in its effort to bridge the old and the new, order and disorder, useful and useless, real and illusory, individualistic and collective. With interior installation and a video document as its final forms, the visual language used invites the audience to contemplate upon virtual space. The use of technology in relation to an object of art results in setting up the historic and architectural context in order to address the audience through facts; facts about what we can create and store in both, digital as well as personal memory.
Boris Beja

Authors: kolektiv prostoRož
Production: European Culture Congress
Coproduction: prostoRož, Bunker
Producer: Mojca Jug