Dickie Beau: LOST IN TRANS

Dickie_Beau_foto_Joel_FildesPhoto: Joel Fildes

October 12th at 9.30 p.m.

In Lost in Trans we follow a drag fabulist, a phenomenon of the performance and a disillusionist of genders Dickie Beau, who still goes on with his experiments involving the sound that he had found, while breathing new life into old audio tapes and revising the drag tradition of lip synching (synchronizing lips with sound).

As he uses playback for “channelling” the sounds that seem to be in the wrong place – misrepresented or perhaps misunderstood – Dickie seeks to “rewrite” audio artefacts and play them back in their own body in order to embody the performative framework of what went missing. Lost in Trans is an enchanting network of words and images, borrowed from sources as different as the film Paris is Burning and the voice love letter from the 60s of the former century, found on the floor of a train in New Hampshire. The peak of the performance is an unorthodox revision of Echo, a nymph in Greek mythology, who died of a broken heart and the only thing that remained behind was the sound of her own voice, an echo.

“Phenomenal talent … a strong and touching artist … A breathtaking performance.” (Time Out)

Direction and realization: Dickie Beau 
Dramaturgy: Julia Bardsley
Lighting design: Marty Langthorne
Sound design: Will Saunders
Video and consulting: Lukas Demgenski