Matjaž Pograjc

Matjaž Pograjc

Matjaž Pograjc was born on March 1st 1967 in Ljubljana. In 1988 he started to perform as a dancer in the performance of The Red Pilot “Zenith” (Ballet Conservatoire), directed by Dragan Živadinov. Next year he passed the exams to the Academy of theatre in Ljubljana to study theatre directing and in 1990 founded Betontanc.

His performances are frequent guests at domestic and international festivals – his performances travelled the world, through 250 cities in 36 countries on all 5 continents.
He frequently works as a teacher, pedagogue. Since 1993 he’s a house director in Mladinsko Theatre in Ljubljana.

Betontanc performances:

  • Poets without pockets, Gledališče Glej, 1990
  • Romeo and Juliet, Gledališče Glej, 1991
  • For every word a gold coin’s worth, Gledališče Glej, 1992
  • Wet hanky thieves, Gledališče Glej & Cankarjev dom with a support CNDC L’Esquisse de Angers, France, 1993
  • Know Your Enemy!, Gledališče Glej & Cankarjev dom, 1995
  • On three sides of heaven, Gledališče Glej, 1997
  • Secret Sunshine Schedule, Zavod Bunker, 1999
  • Midnight Meat Flight, Zavod Bunker, 2000
  • Maison des rendez-vous, co-production Bunker, Mladinsko Theatre and Centre Choreographique National de Rennes et de Bretagne, 2002
  • Wrestling Dostoievsky, Bunker with collaboration of L’animal a l’esquena and Schauspielhaus Vienna, 2004
  • Everybody for Berlusconi, co-production of Betontanc and Jonghollandia / Bunker and ZT Hollandia, 2004
  • Show your face!, co-production of Betontanc and Bunker and The New Theatre Institute of Latvia, 2006
  • Dance or Die, Bunker in co-producction with Mladinsko Theatre, 2007
  • Andrej Rozman Roza: Arabela, Café Teater, 1995
  • Once we were in May, Theatre concert, Café Teater
  • Alan Alexander Milne/Blažka Müller Pograjc: Medved Pu, LGL, 2004

Directing in Mladinsko theatre:

  • Roberto Zucco (1994)
  • Butterendfly (1995)
  • City where I haven’t been (1996)
  • Tirza (1997)
  • Who is afraid of Tennessee Williams? (1999)
  • House of Bernarda Alba (2000)
  • Peter Pan or a boy who wouldn’t grow up (2001)
  • Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat (2002)
  • Play It Again, Caligula (2003)
  • Lullaby (2004)
  • Fragile! (2005)
  • Whale’s stomach (2006)
  • Love to death (2007)


  • Viktorji 1996 – award ceremony for the media achievements
  • Viktorji 2001 – award ceremony for the media achievements


  • co-writer of the script for the movie Express, express, directed by Igor Šterk, 1997