Betontanc: PISTA SVETA (Slovenia)

Pista sveta_foto5_Jure FrelihPhoto: Jure Frelih

Tuesday, August 26th at 8.00 pm
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

The premiere of Pista sveta leaves the audience completely mesmerized: Betontanc has returned to its roots, to physical theatre once again! Not that fascination with movement, sport and choreography, so characteristic of Matjaž Pograjc, has ever disappeared, but the aspect of corporeal mastery or physical work once again takes the central stage in Pista sveta. The director Matjaž Pograjc has headed the Slovenian collective Betontanc ever since its formation. His performance on alpinism (Pavla nad prepadom) and another one on football (Nepremagljiva enajsterica) have now acquired a counterpart in Pista sveta, which takes place on bicycles and in a velodrome.

The narrative setting of the performance makes it almost a detective story, revolving around the mystery of a dead cyclist, but this format is only meant to serve as an arena in which to explore the alternate routes that question the meaning of sport and its intimate, media, financial, doping and extremist connotations, suggesting that sport – like any other area of human activity these days – is merely another cog in the neoliberal machinery that produces desire and anxiety. And, let’s not forget, pleasure! Just like in art; once we forget about all the »purposes« it is meant to serve and all its contextual backgrounds, we can allow ourselves to simply – enjoy it.

Concept, direction: Matjaž Pograjc
Concept, realisation: Primož Bezjak, Branko Jordan, Branko Potočan, Katarina Stegnar, Vito Weis
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Music: Silence (Boris Benko, Primož Hladnik), Dead Tongues
Set and light design: Tomaž Štrucl
Technical coordinator, light management: Andrej Petrovčič
Sound design: Jure Vlahovič
Costume design: Mateja Benedetti
Executive producer: Maja Vižin
Production: Bunker, Ljubljana
The performance is supported by the Culture Programme of the European Union as part of the network Imagine 2020: Art and Climate Change.
Sponsors: Bigfish, Urban Roof, Obsession

60 minutes

The performance is in Slovene with English surtitles.

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More information and ticket booking: +386 51 269 906,