Photo: Tina Ruisinger

The last two recordings on the dictating machine
she got that very day for a present.

I`ll never see her again, though she`ll always stay here with me, and nobody will ever know I loved her. I used to keep from her and from the others how much she meant to me. No, I`m not ashamed. I`ll take all her things except for the record player and records that guy gave her who was completely crazy about her. Not even today can I listen to that song they danced to all night long. She didn`t want to come out. She screamed from behind the door that I should get lost, and that she didn`t want to see me … That`s why I called M. then who caught her with the guy. I`m a witch, but so what? God chose me and I listen to him. Today I`ll take a boat to get her. Then she`ll be mine, because she belongs to me like a leash belongs to a dog…

I killed him, but not her. Where did she go? I don`t know that. I`m not saying she`s not a bitch and that I would have … But I didn`t. They say, we must talk about things, that we can`t talk about, over and over again… and I don`t doubt that I must look a more cruel person than you. But this is because you didn`t see her face. Especially the glow in her eyes when I caught them together. It wasn`t just as you may well imagine, no. It was something unfamiliar to me, and that`s why I was afraid and I didn`t know where to go. I ran away, but it seemed the sky was raining on my head all the women of this world, and I wanted them to gouge out my eyes, so I could no longer see her glow shining on him. That`s all I have to confess. I know I`ll hang anyway, so don`t pardon me at all, because I`m not sorry for what I`ve done.


Directed by: Matjaž Pograjc
Performed by: Alma Blagdanič, Igor Dragar, Janja Majzelj, Ivan Peternelj, Blažka Mueller, Branko Potočan, Matej Recer
Music composed by: Mitja Vrhovnik – Smrekar
Costume design: Uroš Belantič
Set design: Betontanc, Tomaž Štrucl
Light design: Piškotdesign, Tomaž Štrucl
Integral image: Iztok Lovrič
Photography: Diego A. Gomez, Tina Ruisinger
Production: Glej Theatre
Co-production: Cankarjev dom
Production was financed by: Ministry of Culture, City Council of Ljubljana


May 1995, Cankarjev dom

Up-coming performances: /

Past performances:
September 1995, TANZ UND TEATER INTERNATIONAL 95, Hannover
October 1995, MANOVER 95, Leipzig
November 1995, LA MAMA, New York
March 1996, NEW MOVES, Glasgow
March 1996, ADELAIDE FESTIVAL, Adelaide
June 1996, ISRAEL FESTIVAL, Jerusalem
October 1996, BORŠTNIKOVO SREČANJE, Maribor
June 1997, FILO Festival, Londrina
June 1997, TANEC PRAHA, Prague
June 1998, Festival A PART, Katowice
October 1998, OFF PREZENTACE TEATRALNE, Bydgoszcz
October 1998, TEATR MALY, Warsaw
December 1999, MTM, Murska sobota


Press (pdf)


Video: Bunker archive
Editors: Gregor Gobec, Urška Boljkovac


Photo: Tina Ruisinger, Matej Družnik