Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik: MOVED BY VOICE

December 7, 2017 8:00 pm December 8, 2017 8:00 pm

The performance Moved by Voice by Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik continues her exploration of the relation between the body, voice, and space. Tomažin and her collaborators undertake a research into the multiple sources of voice, its flesh, its materiality and metaphysical properties, and scrutinize its meaning and place in everyday life. This is an investigation of the processes that take place when the will of the cultivated flesh slackens and permits the presence of the voice, disburdened of the dichotomy between subject and object, culture and nature, the individual and the social, between the vulnerable body and the power of performance, to grow out of the cautious and delicate space/flesh. (more…)


June 13, 2017 8:30 pm

Photo: Nada Žgank

Irena Tomažin uses the medium of voice and body as her tool(s) to tackle the themes of tradition, heritage and the status of voice(s) and images, which are carried on by voice as a medium of oral tradition, from one generation to the next. In a way, we belong more to the past and to the tradition that – at first glance – seems to have faded away already; it also seems that we don’t belong to the present as much, the present that is supposed to be “the here and now.” (more…)