Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik: MOVED BY VOICE

March 2, 2019 8:00 pm

Moved by Voice by Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik is always somewhere else; always somewhere at the other dividing line between the body, voice and space. In this project, the author and her collaborators undertake a study of the various sources of voice, its flesh, its materiality and spirituality, and scrutinize its meaning and place in everyday life. (more…)

Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik: MOVED BY VOICE

February 5, 2018 8:00 pm

The performance Moved by Voice by Irena Tomažin Zagoričnik continues her exploration of the relation between the body, voice, and space. Tomažin and her collaborators undertake a research into the multiple sources of voice, its flesh, its materiality and metaphysical properties, and scrutinize its meaning and place in everyday life. (more…)