August 30, 2018 9:00 pm

Beton Ltd. are a collective of authors: Katarina Stegnar, Primož Bezjak and Branko Jordan. Great Expectations|Große Erwartungen, a festival premiere, is their sixth performance. They say they always begin a performance from ground zero, but for a performance to emerge from nothing, personal grips are almost always of key importance for them. They do not enter narrations and dilemmas through individual stories alone, but also through personal ones. »We can only legitimately speak about ourselves.« After ecology, transitional/growing‑up loss of illusions, the impotency of resistance, generational angst, they are now dealing with the topic of great expectations and future. And what are expectations if not projections of present desires? »The desires of a European, white, heterosexual, urban, cosmopolitan, overrepresented generation. But we must not forget: Katarina, Primož, Branko … we were all children once. Slovene children. Some still are.«


Concept and direction: Beton Ltd.
Performing: Katarina Stegnar, Primož Bezjak, Branko Jordan
Music: U$IŁ (Maksim Špelko, Janez Weiss), Jure Vlahovič
Set and lighting design: toni soprano + Sonda 57
Sound design: Jure Vlahovič
Visual materials: toni soprano
Dramaturgical collaborator: Urška Brodar
Technical director: Andrej Petrovčič
Executive producer: Maja Vižin
Public relations: Tamara Bračič Vidmar
Translation: Tibor Hrs Pandur
Artistic residency: Santarcangelo Festival
Produced by: Bunker, Ljubljana
Made possible by: Ministry of Culture of Slovenia, City Municipality of Ljubljana, European Union — Culture programme, Create to Connect
Thanks to: Španski borci
70 minutes

The performance is in Slovene with English surtitles.

Foto: toni soprano

Ticket booking and information:, +386 51 269 906


dollardaddy’s: HOME (HU)

August 30, 2018 6:00 pm August 31, 2018 6:00 pm

dollardaddy’s (Dollár Papa Gyermekei) is one of the youngest Hungarian ensembles, founded by a Hungarian experimental theatre duo, Emőke Kiss-Végh and Tamás Ördög. Their work is inspired by the Dogma films – a minimalistic, refined style. They work with classic dramas, where they keep the characters, while the actors narrate the original text in their own words. Home is based on August Strindberg’s The Pelican, and represents the second part of the Family Trilogy (Love, Home, Child).

The tension in the performance is created by the discrepancy between a completely classical nature of the play, which is at the same time stripped of almost everything theatrical. In keeping with the Dogma style, there is no theatre light, props, set; only naturalistic acting by the outstanding actors moving among the audience. There is also no fourth wall – not just because there’s no stage, but also because there is no illusion of an enclosed space. Viewers are part of nothingness surrounding the only thing that exists: drama acting. And the dialogues, which become up‑to‑date and are not over 100 years old anymore, as they are stripped down to pure human relationships.


Director: Tamás Ördög

Elise, the mother: Krisztina Urbanovits
Fredrik, her son: Máté Dezső Georgita
Gerda, her daughter: Piroska Mészáros
Axel, her son-in-law: Tamás Ördög

Translation: Ana Radović


70 minutes

Performance is in Hungarian with Slovene and English surtitles.

Foto:  Ligetvari Csenge

Ticket booking and information:, +386 51 269 906

Uroš Kaurin, Vito Weis: HERO 2.0 – The Show of All Shows (SI)

August 26, 2018 9:30 pm August 28, 2018 6:30 pm

Sunday, August 26 at 9.30 p.m. (Slovene version)
Tuesday, August 28 at 6.30 p.m. (English version)

Uroš Kaurin and Vito Weis confront their biographies in the show, so no spoilers here. Let’s just say that they are indeed performers of all performers, and – together with the dramaturgical eye of Katarina Stegnar – authors of all authors as well. Artists of all artists. And also – Young Lions of all young lions.

Hero 2.0 is the second performance in the Hero series. In Hero 1.0, Kaurin and Weis believed that we need superheroes to save the world, so they tried to be superheroes, of course, or at least they believed they can be super, even if the world doesn’t need them. Or they actually were superheroes, it was just that the world did not ask to be saved. But all superheroes are saving the world first, and then themselves. First, they fight for the world, and then for the audience. And Hero 2.0 is not just a candy for the audience. It is a gigantic delicious cake, which the audience can drool over and feast on. They give us everything – and more … This time, there is no limit for idealism, only the two performers remain, and they let the stage and each other drain them completely – for us.


Authors: Uroš Kaurin, Vito Weis
Created by: Uroš Kaurin, Vito Weis, Katarina Stegnar, Boris Bezić, Lea Čehovin
Produced by: Moment Maribor
Co-produced by: Zavod EN-KNAP

75 minutes

Foto: Nada Žgank

Ticket booking and information:, +386 51 269 906


Fleur Elise Noble: ROOMAN (AU)

August 25, 2018 7:30 pm August 26, 2018 8:00 pm

Fleur Elise Noble is an Australian director, creator and performer. Her work draws from studies of visual arts, physical theatre and community work. She uses a variety of media in her work: drawing, painting, sculpture, puppetry, animation, film, performance, dancing … Her first major production was 2 Dimensional Life of Her, and she’s coming to Ljubljana with her second major project, Rooman.

In this performance, where it is impossible to distinguish projection from reality and scenography from drawings, we fall into the Alice’s (or Fleur’s, in this case) dream hole, into which the protagonist constantly wants to return, as in her dreams she has fallen in love with Rooman – a kangaroo man. In her dreams, her love wanders around the archetypes of love. Which topic is even more eternal than love? Unrequited love. Where do we like to return to the most? To dreams. What’s the point of being awake if everything is more beautiful in dreams? It is the eternal question of the theatre. They say that reality is wilder than any art or any dream, but how to defeat dreams that are so beautiful and where we have – love? What do we do when we »arrive at a point in life when one must face the ultimatum – to give up or to wake up«?


Creator, director, designer, dreamer, dancer, drawer, animator, performer, puppet-maker, projection artist: Fleur Elise Noble
Production operator & stage manager: Niccolo Gallio
Sound design: Missi Mel Pesa
Contributing composers & musicians: Sarah Reid, Zaachariaha Fielding, Tim Bennett, Peter Knight, Mal Webb, Missi Mel Pesa (AKA Melbient)
Drawers and animators: Fleur Elise Noble, Tim Bennet, Isobel Knowles
Costume creators: Fleur Elise Noble, Bryony Anderson, Kasia Tons, Sara Yael (AKA Lily Castel)
Puppeteers: Adrianna Navarro, Louise Harte
Set builder and puppeteer: Tony Martin
Producer: Jason Cross, Insite Arts
Local puppeteer: Blaž Andrašek
Building of scenography: Igra, d. o. o., Igor Remeta, Martin Lovšin, Duško Pušica
55 minutes

Foto: Bryony Jackson

Ticket booking and information:, +386 51 269 906

Mammalian Diving Reflex: ALL THE SEX I’VE EVER HAD (CA, SI)

August 24, 2018 8:00 pm August 25, 2018 9:00 pm August 26, 2018 5:00 pm

Led by Artistic Director Darren O’Donnell, Mammalian Diving Reflex uses a working method called »social acupuncture«, the belief that the power, potency and significance of theatre can be revived by civic engagement and social interaction as an aesthetic. Mammalian Diving Reflex focuses on participatory processes, working with local communities to create rigorously crafted and provocative performances. Mammalian brings people together in new and unusual ways around the world, to create work that is engaging, challenging, and gets people talking, feeling and thinking.
We all know that today’s attitude towards sexuality is different than it used to be, we also know the statistics on various sexual practices, and this year, on the 50th anniversary of 1968, we are trying to reflect on the results of the so‑called sexual revolution. But as Dolly Parton used to sing so beautifully, no one knows what goes on behind closed doors, behind specific closed doors. In Slovenia, we have found 6 individuals of the older generation who are willing to talk about sex; their own sex, not just sex in general. Together with Mammalian Diving Reflex, they have transformed their stories into a performance, so that we are able – at least for a short moment – to look behind the closed doors of romance and sexuality of a generation.

Conceived by: Darren O’Donnell
Direction: Darren O’Donnell
Co-direction: Alice Fleming
Performing:Peter Butoln, Ana Jovičević, Jadranka Novak, Srečko Polanec, Pavel Premrl, Nada Tržan-Herman
MC: Lea Kukovičić
Sound designer: Rok Kovač
Production: Tina Fance, Alice Fleming, Annalise Prodor, Melika Ramic
Technical direction and environment design: Alice Fleming, James Mapes
Local producer: Lea Kukovičič
Translators: Gaja Vudrag, Urša Grum
Interns: Sorcha Gibson, Sonja Kovačevič, Chiara Prodi
Subtitles: Lara Jerkovič
Lights: Janko Oven
Local technical support: Igor Remeta, Grega Mohorčič

120 minutes

Performance is in Slovene with English surtitles.

Foto:  Taku Kumabe

Ticket booking and information:, +386 51 269 906