Anne Juren, Annie Dorsen: MAGICAL

October 11, 2015 8:00 pm

Magical_01_Christoph Lepka - CopyPhoto: Christoph Lepka

Magical, a solo dance piece, uses the canon of feminist performance art and the rituals of a magic show to play with illusion, trickery and transformation. Juren and Dorsen work with five iconic and influential performances from 1965–1975: Martha Rosler’s Semiotics of the Kitchen, Cut Piece by Yoko Ono, Marina Abramović’s Freeing the Body, and Interior Scroll and Meat Joy by Carolee Schneemann. (more…)

17th International Festival of Contemporary Arts – CITY OF WOMEN

October 5, 2011 9:00 pm - October 15, 2011 9:00 pm

The word embedded with mystical powers Abracadabra! represents this year’s main festival theme. It is considered a magic word; its letters had been placed in a pyramid turned upside down and people had carried them around their necks as an amulet to protect themselves against disease and trouble. We therefore decided to place our focus on magic, mystery, illusions, parallel reality, reality ‘as it really is’, rituals and pure imagination, because we wish to take a step aside from the cruel reality, embracing the present day world in the form of general distress and economic crisis. At the same time, we would like to make our way back to the parallel reality and revisit these very hardships through the perspective of different, other and borderline. Instead of ignoring the present state of affairs, we have our mind set on offering an unconventional view on human existence and perhaps even hope, which can be brought about by playfulness and awe, dreams and worship of life with openness, joy and pure wonderment.