May 13, 2016 9:00 pm May 14, 2016 9:00 pm

prisega_kitch mala

Photo: Kitch

Tonight, dreams are allowed. Tomorrow is a new day.
What happens when two newcomers from the Balkans take this epic wisdom dead serious?

The Oath will give you all, yet demanding nothing from you.

Welcome to our kafana, and let the party start!



May 25, 2016 7:00 pm 7:00 pm May 26, 2016 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

TejaReba  Made With Love Stara  elektrarnaphoto: Miha Fras

The life of a family and a mother is problematised mainly from the standpoint of the contemporary precarious working conditions, which erase the difference between work (social) and private life. If the family sphere is included in work, can its products therefore be socially and economically valued? How much is a child worth? What is the economic value of giving birth? And what is the economic value generated by an artwork? (more…)


June 7, 2016 8:00 pm June 8, 2016 8:00 pm June 9, 2016 8:00 pm

sandi jesenik foto jakob jurkošek mala

Photo: Jakob Jurkošek

The performance author Sandi Jesenik, Master student of Dramaturgy at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, will make his debut with a full-length drama developed at the academies in Ljubljana and Zagreb. The protagonist, I, is faced with everyday life and destruction forced upon him by society. It is a drama about the struggle of a man, about the search for sexual identity, self-esteem, desire to live, and about how to change hell on earth into paradise. (more…)

Leo Bassi (Italy/Spain): BOB / The Best of Bassi

June 15, 2016 8:00 pm

BOB cartel con margenmala

Photo: from personal archive of Leo Bassi

In addition to Jang Edwards and, of course, Slava Polunin, legendary artist Leo Bassi is considered one of the three main protagonists of the Nouveau Clown concept.

He is not only a TV personality, continuously confronting us with provocation, he is also a purebred comedian, a classic clown and an actor striving for a different comedy, explosive and dark, provocative and ungraspable. This outrageous warrior of the army of endless laughter turned to provocation as his only weapon of survival, helping him to face personal challenges which are almost infinite, helping him to overcome every obstacle, as impossible or inconvenient as it may appear. (more…)


September 9, 2016 8:30 pm

whs_lahto_2Photo: WHS

It is about a woman and a man in a complicated relationship. They are standing on the stage confused, surrounded by clothes and hoping to solve their misunderstanding. Their feelings and thoughts are expressed through the movements of their bodies and their clothes, which seem to live a life of their own. Black and white cinematic aesthetics of the performance borrows from various film inserts by Michelangelo Antonioni, rummaging through the issues of strangeness, absurd and noise in communication between the two individuals. The action evokes a sense of floating in a dream, and a sense of complete illusion, thus triggering a unique theatrical experience that combines circus, magic, dance, audio and visual elements. (more…)

Simone Aughterlony & Phil Hayes: SHOW & TELL (DE/CH/GB)

October 6, 2016 8:00 pm

Show-And-Tell_1malaPhoto: archive of City of Women Association

„Show and Tell“ sets up an experiment that challenges the  fragile relationship between what is said and what is done. Phil Hayes and Simone Aughterlony consider the supposed  pecking order between these two modes of communication and  establish  a dialogical practice whereby sensing and sense  making have equal status. (more…)

Simone Aughterlony & Nic Lloyd: AFTER LIFE (DE/CH/GB)

October 7, 2016 9:00 pm

After_Life_1mala-e1474637415139.jpg (497×180)
Photo: archive of City of Women Association

“After Life” is the second duo in a trilogy that  marks the biography of a body by means of existential states: its presence in flesh and  blood, post mortem and in view of im/possible futures.
In “After Life”, the performers appear as obfuscated post bodies that hover and  haunt what is literally the other side of the spatial design where  the first duo “Show and Tell” played out. (more…)

Simone Aughterlony & Hahn Rowe: BIOFICTION (DE/CH/US)

October 9, 2016 8:00 pm

biofiction malaPhoto: archive of City of Women Association

Biofiction is a rare love story between many, an unexpected clearing on a wilderness that offers a close-up on human and non-human assemblages and their affects. Situated within an inquiry into vibrant matter, a choreographic poem emerges that is both careful and utterly libidinal. (more…)

Ana Dubljević & Milan Marković Matthis: STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER (RS)

October 12, 2016
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Strawberry Fields Forever malaPhoto: archive of City of Women Association

A short piece about the other side of European cultural identity

 What are the values we aspire to in Europe today? What is it that brings these twenty- eight different countries, numerous languages, religions and spaces of cultural heritage together? (more…)

Milan & Nina Marković Matthis: A LETTER TO HASEEBA (SE/RS)

October 12, 2016
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

A Latter to Haseeba1 malaPhoto: archive of City of Women Association

Short piece about the European dream of the Other.

Nina Markovič Matthis, a Swedish, and Haseeba Kareya, a Syrian refugee, exchange a series of letters during Haseeba’s escape from the war-torn country. (more…)