Series of performances, conversations and lectures: WHAT TO DO?

March 1, 2014 - March 5, 2014

The famous Lenin’s (and most certainly not only his) question comes to bear relevance for the current time over and over again. The logics of debt, precariousness and despair has left the contemporary individual bereft of his future and has in turn paralysed him in his thoughts about the future.  (more…)


March 8, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Marcandrea

The First Law of B. K.

Video performance for four projectors, a bicycle and a performer. The First Law of B. K. emanates directly from the first law of thermodynamics: »Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one state to another«. For the purpose of the performance Barbara reduces her existence to that of a thermodynamic system where she transforms food energy (calories/joules) into luminous energy – the perceived energy of light (lumens). (more…)


March 13, 2014 8:00 pm March 14, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Marcandrea

Dementia is a state of oblivion. A state of madness. A state of lunacy. Dementia isn’t something you get to choose. She chooses you. Everything that had solid form before has now changed. It has become forgotten without knowing what it was and without anticipating what it will become. And it is changing in this very moment. Forgetting. (more…)


October 21, 2013 8:00 pm October 22, 2013 8:00 pm

Photo: Marcadrea

Grega Zorc and Vito Weis as back vocalists find themselves alone on an empty stage. No solo singer, no band. Both seem pretty lost, though in fact they are not as helpless as they look. They have a programme. And an opportunity of a lifetime to come to the fore. To take over the game. (more…)


June 25, 2013 9:00 pm

Two singers find themselves alone on the empty stage. Without solo singer and without the band. Both are quite lost, but in fact they are not so helpless. They have a program. And the opportunity to step into the foreground. This is the opportunity of a lifetime to take over the game. But whose is this game actually? At a time when all decisions are coming from a some blurred background, only those can come to the fore, with which background can play its own game.


Leja Jurišić, Petra Veber: BALLET OF REVOLT

September 19, 2013 8:00 pm

Photo: Petra Štrukelj

“Powerful music from the Dada film Ballet Mécanique from 1923 presented a meaningful sound background. The mechanic sounds emphasised the crisis of existence, which was radiating from the performance. The existential crisis was presented at a personal as well as collective level. (more…)

Eric Dean Scott: VISITING HOUR

September 22, 2013 8:00 pm

Photo: Eric Dean Scott
The driving force of a performance normally consists of the spectator’s mute presence, his expectation, his gaze and his stillness. This could be considered a completely ordinary and selfevident relation between a performer and a spectator. However, the performance by Eric Dean Scott doesn’t take the presence of spectators as granted, but as a mix-up that catches Scott completely unprepared. (more…)

Foofwa d`Imobilité: AU CONTRAIRE (after Jean-Luc Godard)

September 24, 2013 9:00 pm

Photo: Gregory Batardon

CoFestival 2013: The Art of Co-Living
September 21st–29th

Co-Festival, a unified form for three dance festivals in mutual intertwinement (Modul-dance, Ukrep and Pleskavica), explores ideas about the search for intersections, formation of common space and mutual help in the air of this year’s motto – The Art of Co-Living. (more…)