Katarina Stegnar: DOUBLE GAME

May 23, 2013 8:00 pm

Photo: Jon Aleksander Krančan

Lecture Performance

It isn’t possible. It isn’t possible for me to react in any other way but with bitter cynicism, when I hear about the plan to save the world. The plan, which is full of diagrams, pictures and numbers, the scientific plan, the factual plan. On the other hand I know, me, Katarina Stegnar, that the cynicism is only a bad defence mechanism protecting me from doing what I have to do. It is necessary for people to know that such a plan exists. It is my duty. It is my calling. In fact I am playing a double agent, playing a double game.


Author: Katarina Stegnar
Performers: Katarina Stegnar & Katarina Stegnar
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Light design and technical direction: Igor Remeta
Producer: Maja Vižin
Thanks to: Mateja Benedetti, Primož Bezjak, Matej de Cecco, Tomaž Grom, Bojan Jablanovec, Branko Jordan, Teja Kleč, Barbara Kukovec, Grega Zorc
Commissioned and co-produced by Imagine 2020 – Arts and Climate Change and Bunker, in collaboration with the New Economics Foundation.
With the support of the Culture Programme of the European Union.


23rd May 2013 at 8.00 pm, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana


N. Jelesijević: Shizophrenia of a performance, Radio študent, 28. 5. 2013 (pdf 272 KB)


Video, editor: Gregor Gobec


Photo: Jon Aleksander Krančan

Barbara Kukovec: THE FIRST LAW OF B. K.

April 13, 2011 8:00 pm April 14, 2011 8:00 pm

video performance

The warmth of B.K. has to be maintained 24 hours a day. Her warmth depends on the difference between the energy received and the energy transmitted. The first law says that energy cannot be destroyed or created out of nothing, it can simply be transformed from one form to another. B. K. feeds several times a day, washes regularly, is transported and constantly involved in the process of transforming. B. K. usually functions without any serious problems and maintains a temperature between 35.8 and 37.2 °C. Should the system of receiving and transmitting go out of balance, hypothermia or overheating may have fatal consequences for B. K. (more…)


January 28, 2011 8:00 pm

Performance essay. All strategies adopted by Via Negativa in establishing contact with the audience during the 02-08 period will be demonstrated and analysed in two hours time. The performance is based on an essay entitled Izbris gledalca (Erasing the Audience) by Blaž Lukan, PhD. Full version of the essay is published in NE, Via Negativa 2002–2008, Maska Transformacije 2010. (more…)