Children’s playground in Tabor Park

August 30, 2012 10:00 am

Thursday, August 30th at 10.00 am
Tabor Park

At the previous Mladi levi festival, the Mayor of the City of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković, made a promise to fulfil one of the wishes made by the inhabitants and the visitors of the Tabor city district in the framework of the Map of Wishes project, organised by the prostoRož Collective. A wish came true and a new playground emerged in Tabor Park. We would like to invite everyone to the solemn opening with a scoop of ice cream and a glass of refreshing lemonade. Bring your little ones and play with us!

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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August 31, 2012 12:00 pm 1:00 pm September 1, 2012 11:00 am 12:00 pm September 2, 2012 11:00 am 12:00 pm

Friday, August 31st at 12.00 pm and 1.00 pm, at Petkovškovo nabrežje
Saturday, September 1st at 11.00 am and 12.00 pm, in the Ljubljana City Market
Sunday, September 2nd at 11.00 am and 12.00 pm, at the flea market, Breg

Lyrical Minutes in the City emerged under the auspices of last year’s Mladi levi festival. They’re a classic, dressed up in a fresh and colourful new outfit and here to offer one of the most lyrical summer refreshments of Ljubljana.

Last year the intervention was a huge success and for that very reason we’ve decided for a reprise. During the Mladi levi festival, the following lyrical moments will take place:

Director: Dirk Opstaele
Performers: Katja Konvalinka, Irena Yebuah Tiran, Diego Barrios Ross, Jure Počkaj
Sound design: Jure Vlahovič
Technical assistant: Grega Mohorčič
Producer: Mojca Jug
Production: Bunker, Ljubljana
Co-production: Ensemble Leporello

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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Societat Doctor Alonso/Tomás Aragay: “Introduction to introduction” – work in progress (Spain)

September 1, 2012 6:00 pm

Saturday, September 1st at 6 pm
Glej Theatre

The authors drew inspiration for this work in progress from Aristotle’s Metaphysics. The great Greek claimed that all natural creatures are subjected to constant movement and change, which can occur either in their potential or in their actual being. Within these two modes of movement and change, there is a narrative element. It sounds complicated, but the ancient Greeks are quite simple and clear really.

Concept: Tomàs Aragay, Sofía Asencio
Director: Tomàs Aragay
Performer, dancer: Sofía Asencio
Producer: Sònia Isart
Produced by: Societat Doctor Alonso
Supported by: INAEM, Generalitat de Catalunya, Institut Ramon Llull
In residence at the Mladi levi festival and L’Agora de la Danse (Montreal, Canada).

35 minutes

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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Davis Freeman/Random Scream: EXPANDING ENERGY (Belgium, Great Britain)

August 31, 2012 6:30 pm

Friday, August 31st at 6.30 pm
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

And what would you be willing to give up?
Expanding Energy is not only a one-day conference, but a dance performance, devious political theatre and a concert at the same time. With participating musicians from the group Einstürzende Neubauten & Candy Bomber, actors from Forced Entertainment and lots of volunteers. Davis Freeman, a performance artist who has been working with Forced Entertainment, Superamas, Meg Stuart and others, started his own company Random Scream in 1999. In this event, Freeman will delve into our obsession with energy. If future generations and life on Earth are to be preserved, then we will eventually have to start doing things differently. We can all agree on this, and yet everyone just sits around and waits. This isn’t a classic performance about ecology as much as it is a collage of social issues, the economy, political incorrectness and physicality. So… what would you be willing to give up for a better future?

Concept and direction: Davis Freeman
Performance: Jerry Killick, Kylie Walters, Davis Freeman and guests
Music: Paul Lemp, Jochen Arbeit
Visual graphics: Visual Kitchen/Sam Vanoverschelde
Lighting design: Jitske Vandenbousch
Sound: Alexander Davidson
Slovene producer: Samo Selimović
Co-produced by: Kaaitheater, Szene Salzburg, Rotterdamse Schouwburg, Kunstencentrum Buda, Vooruit, WorkSpace
Supported by: Vlaamse Gemeenschap, British Council Slovenia
Translation to Slovene: Anja Keber

250 minutes with a break and a dinner
The performance is in Slovene and English with Slovene subtitles.

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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Roger Bernat/FFF: PENDIENTE DE VOTO (Spain)

September 1, 2012 8:00 pm September 2, 2012 8:00 pm

Saturday, September 1st at 8 pm and Sunday, September 2nd at 8 pm
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

How about making some decisions tonight?
Theatre becomes an audience-run parliament in Roger Bernat’s event. As he explained in one of his interviews, theatre in his mind is a space where people come to reflect upon what it means to live in a certain society. And this is what Bernat’s event is literally all about. The main characters are the audience members themselves, who act as the driving force of action, since they are expected to use a voting device, to make choices and to participate in a debate. Are you ready to play that game? Are you a Beatles or a Stones fan? What do the wheels of democracy look like? Do we have any idea about what propels politics these days? A dialogue perhaps? Arguments? Parties? Colours? The fight for rights? Money? One needs to look from up close and from within. Therefore: enough with the pseudo-debates in real parliaments, tonight we’ll see a real debate in a pseudo-parliament. An exercise in direct democracy, the one we’ve become estranged from and forgotten exists in the first place.

Author: Roger Bernat
Dramaturgy: Roberto Fratini
Data visualisation: Mar Canet
Devices and software: Jaume Nualart
Music: “The sinking of the Titanic” – Gavin Bryars, PatchWorks and others
Sound design: Juan Cristobal Saavedra
Lighting design: Ana Rovira
Technical director: Txalo Toloza
Set design: Marie-Klara González
Special effects:
Technical collaborators: Pablo Argüello, David Galligani, Chris Hager
Advisors: Oscar Abril Ascaso, Sonia Andolz
Thanks to: David Cauquill, Raquél Gomes, Marcela Prado, Marga Socias
Producer: Helena Febrés Fraylich
Co-production: Centro Dramático Nacional, FundacióTeatre Lliure/Festival NEO, Le Manège de Reims-Scène Nationale/Reims Scènes d’Europe, Le Manège de Mons/CECN, TechnocITé.
The performance was created in the framework of Transdigital, supported by the European programme Interreg IV and Elèctrica Produccions.
Supported by: Institut Ramon Llull, Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura, Ministerio de Cultura, Educación y Deporte/INAEM, Veleposlaništvo Kraljevine Španije

120 minutes
The performance is in Slovene.

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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George Orwell, Andrej Rozman Roza: ŽIVALSKA FARMA (Slovenia)

September 2, 2012 5:00 pm

Sunday, September 2nd at 5 pm
Puppet Theatre Ljubljana

We’re all on the same farm
George Orwell wrote the novel Animal Farm back in 1945. The story of the equality of all animals (with some being more equal than others) wasn’t just a critique of totalitarianism, but also testifies to the fact that every leader is nothing but a ‘dirty two-legged swine’ and that while every new authority promises a better future, they merely end up gratifying their own greedy needs and imposing their own ideas. This outstanding duet, comprised of the director Vito Taufer and the writer Andrej Rozman Roza, once again testifies to the fact that a masterpiece classic can be used as an effective mirror of the present times. Suitable for all generations, this puppet performance will lure the audience into humming the melody of the song We are Blacksmiths sung by the animals late into the night. Therefore: »Our eggs he steals, our cows he milks, the juices of our youth he slurps, once more shall we demand what’s ours: rise up, resist, revolt!«

Director: Vito Taufer
Graphic design: Barbara Stupica
Music: Mitja Vrhovnik Smrekar
Author of songs: Andrej Rozman Roza
Editing: Tatjana Stanič
Assistant director: Daniel Day Škufca
Lighting design: Tomaž Štrucl
Technologist: Zoran Srdić
Performing: Major, Napoleon, Boksar, Janežič: Brane Vižintin
Kepca, Mojzes, Minimus, Miha: Iztok Lužar
Benjamin, Cvilek, Joco: Gašper Malnar
Clover, Benjamin: Martina Maurič Lazar
Metka, Pupi: Polonca Kores
Hen, Dolinškova: Nina Skrbinšek
Cow, Dog, Pipi, Janežičeva: Urška Hlebec
Rooster, Dolinšek: Stane Tomazin k. g.
Sheep: Jure Lajovic, Alojz Milošič
Stage manager and sound designer: Alojz Sedovnik
Lights: Danilo Korelec
Scene technician: Alojz Milošič
Puppets, scene and costume design: Barbara Stupica, Zoran Srdić, Gregor Lorenci, Iztok Bobić, Sandra Birjukov, Jernej Remše, Marjeta Valjavec, Delo osvobaja d. o. o., Altos d. o. o., Restavratorstvo Mali d. o. o.

80 minutes

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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15th International Festival Mladi levi

August 23, 2012 - September 2, 2012

International festival Mladi levi is one ofthe more prominent annual events of the Bunker institution, bringing the most current stage performers from all over the world to Ljubljana every end of the summer. It bears a mark of a demanding artistic profile, placed within the arena of contemporary progressive the atreand takes pride in its reputation for discovering young talents. The Festival has a distinctive atmosphere, marked with creativity and vibrantspirit, curious audience and social nature. (more…)

On the Move (OTM) – cultural mobility information network

August 30, 2012
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Presentation and discussion
Location: SCCA Project Room, Metelkova 6, Ljubljana

Artservis in cooperation with Bunker and in the framework of 15th. International Festival Mladi levi hosts cultural mobility information network On the Move (OTM) from Brussels. Artservis as an informational on-line media and platform is a member of the network. (more…)

The Mladi levi festival looks for volunteers!

The Mladi levi festival is special also because of the energy and spirit that the volunteers have been bringing along ever since 2005. The festival will be celebrating its 15th anniversary this year and it is simply impossible to imagine its existence without the help of enthusiasts who one by one contribute as much as they can and will towards making the Mladi levi festival a remarkably organized, entertaining, fresh and colourful event that brings exceptional artists from Slovenia and abroad to Ljubljana at the onset of each autumn. Do join us! (more…)

Tanja Lažetić: MIGRANTI

August 20, 2010 8:30 pm


Friday, August 20th at 8.30 pm, open till Monday, 30th August
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Visual artist Tanja Lažetić uses photography, video, performance, the internet, and also an artbook in her authorial projects as expressive mediums. She frequently collaborates with artist Dejan Habicht in the conceptualization of her works and has been exhibiting in recent years at Center and Galerija P74, which is also where she held the premiere of her exhibition entitled Migranti, while other institutions to have featured her work include the Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, the Biennial of Graphic Arts, and several other galleries in both Slovenia and Europe. (more…)