Patrícia Portela, Christoph De Boeck: HORTUS, Installation (Portugal, Belgium)

August 25, 2012 6:00 pm - August 28, 2012 6:00 pm

August 25th to 28th
Opening on Saturday, August 25th at 6 pm
Debates: Saturday, August 25th and Sunday, August 26th at 6 pm

University Botanic gardens Ljubljana

Microcosmos of a garden
Patrícia Portela and sound artist Christoph De Boeck have joined forces to create a story about a garden, inviting us to follow the example of ancient Greek peripatetic philosophers and embrace the practice of philosophy while walking across a green landscape of sounds, messages and micro-stories, listening to lectures about humanity, nature and civilization. The garden is covered with sensory devices measuring the dynamics of wind and light while translating the photosynthetic process into the melodious singing of birds. De Boeck’s measurement system is based on an algorithm generally used in financial markets. If the essence of our society would resemble that of flowers, then progress wouldn’t be measured by the standards of material wealth, but by the intensity of blooming. Or, as Henry David Thoreau would say, if a forest is not in you when you are in a forest, then what exactly gives you the right to be in a forest?

In the frame of the Hortus installation two debates with guest speakers will take place:

  • August 25th at 6 pm: moderator Maja Hawlina, guest speaker: Kyohei Sakaguchi
  • August 26th at 6 pm: moderator Janaz Janša, Maska, guest speaker: Polonca Lovšin

Concept, sound, electronics: Christoph De Boeck
Concept, text, image: Patrícia Portela
Electronics: Culture Crew
Production: Prado & deepblue – Helena Serra, Pedro Pires, Christoph de Boeck
Slovene producer: Mojca Jug
Supported by: Kaaitheater, ZDB, Festival Van Vlaanderen, Verbeke Foundation, Maria Matos Teatro Municipal, LIFT Festival – ICA, CML – green Department of Lisbon Town Hall, Gulbenkian Foundation, Turizem Ljubljana, Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani

The discussions will be in English.

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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August 25, 2012 9:30 pm

Saturday, August 25th at 9.30 pm
Amfiteater at the platform by the Slovene Etnographic Museum

The Italian performance group Motus succeeded in mesmerising audiences at last year’s Mladi levi festival with their captivating performance Too Late! of Brecht’s Antigone. As the embodiment of political theatre par excellence, Motus dauntlessly produces performances that poke you in the eye, allowing new and closer perspectives, while the virtuosic strength of the protagonists awakens and sobers up the audience. Borders between countries, historical events, art and social engagement are rendered null and void for Motus. Has there ever been a more appropriate time to stage Greek tragedies? There, on the streets of Greece, amongst protesters and graffiti, which seem more palpably real than the discredited media – that’s where you’ll find Motus. Have the stories of Greek heroes and their resistance against kings and authorities ever felt more relevant than in present-day society, stripped of all illusions as to what the future may hold?

Devised and directed by: Enrico Casagrande, Daniela Nicolò
Performing: Silvia Calderoni, Vladimir Aleksic, Benno Steinegger, Alexandra Sarantopoulou
In collaboration with: Michalis Traitsis, Giorgina Pilozzi
Assistant director: Nicolas Lehnebach
Dramaturgy: Daniela Nicolò
Video: Enrico Casagrande
Sound: Andrea Comandini
Music: Pyrovolismos sto prosopo,The boy
In the video: Nikos, Centro Libertario Nosotros, Stavros – član skupine/member of the band Deux ex machina
Lighting and set design: Enrico Casagrande,Daniela Nicolò
Technical director: Valeria Foti
Production: Motus, ERT Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Espace Malraux – Scéne Nationale de Chambéry et de la Savoie – CARTA BIANCA, programme Alcotra coopération France-Italie, Théâtre National de Bretagne/Rennes, Festival delle Colline Torinesi
Supported by: Rimini Provincial Administration, Emilia-Romagna Regional Administration, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activity
Translation to Slovene: Janja Buzečan

70 minutes
The performance is in Italian with Slovene subtitles.

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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Colectiv A: X MM DIN YKM (Romania)

August 26, 2012 8:00 pm

Nedelja, 26. avgust ob 20.00
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

A drama of documents
Almost forty kilometres of documents were retrieved from the archives of the Romanian intelligence agency Securitate after the year 1989. After running through these documents, the performers came across front-page dramas and sagas, not just about accused people, but also about government agents, who would talk about themselves and vividly describe pure figments of their imagination. How can these documents be seen from today’s point of view? Should they be treated as bombs ready to go off? Where to go from here? Dorin Tudoran, the writer and journalist who migrated from Romania in 1985, published parts of his archives in a book. In terms of genre, these fragments – written in the form of dialogues and accompanied by stage directions – read like dramas. They sound contemporary. Several truths and multiple perspectives come into play in this Rashomon-like triangle between the Communist Party propaganda Chief, the President of the Writers’ Society and Dorin Tudoran. A story about trying to take X millimetres away from Y kilometres while confronting the past and present on stage.

A performance by: Gianina Cărbunariu
Performers: Mădălina Ghițescu, Paula Gherghe, Toma Dănilă, Rolando Matsangos
Technical coordinator: Attila Almasi
Producer: Miki Braniste
Production: ColectivA at the Paintbrush Factory
Translation to Slovene: Gordana Bobojević

80 minutes
The performance is in Romanian with Slovene subtitles.

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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Stefan Kaegi:CIUDADES PARALELAS (Switzerland, Germany)

August 26, 2012 9:30 pm

Sunday, August 26th at 9.30 pm
Amphitheatre at the platform by the Slovene Etnographic Museum

Lecture on a portable festival in Berlin, Buenos Aires, Warsaw and Zurich.

How to export ideas without losing their impact? Can a festival ask global questions and get local answers? Hotel rooms, shopping centres, factories… these are functional places, and not usually thought of as interesting. For “Ciudades Paralelas”, Lola Arias and Stefan Kaegi have invited artists like Ant Hampton, Tim Etchells, Christian Garcia, Mariano Pensotti, Gerardo Nauman, Ligna and Dominic Huber to devise interventions for spaces that exist in any city around the world. Some of them chose to work with radio receivers or headphones, others with a choir, or with people in their workspaces. Some pieces are for 1, others are for 100 spectators. Some of the performers are singers, others writers, passers-by or even the audience themselves. Since 2010, eight projects have been staged with different performers in Berlin, Buenos Aires, Warsaw and Zurich.
Now Stefan Kaegi comes to Ljubljana to show the festival a synchronised video-lecture on four screens simultaneously, letting the viewers see the audience use and interact with the local stagings of portable ideas.

100 minutes

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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HOW TO BAMBOOZLE A CRISIS? (mini-conference)

August 27, 2012
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Monday, August 27th from 12 pm to 5 pm
Tabor Park (in case of rain, the conference will be held at the Museum of Modern Art)

  • Looking back

From 12.00 pm to 2 pm
The Mladi levi festival came into being in response to mainstream European festivals as part of the Junge Hunde network. The latter was devoted to providing more space for younger artists and their development within the international scene. The network no longer exists, but its former members and certain artists have nevertheless managed to maintain strong connections. What happened to the generations of artists and producers who were on their way up 15 years ago? Where could the new, vulnerable and precarious arise from in the present? In what way do we remember the achievements accomplished within the last 15 years and how well prepared are we to face future challenges?

Introductory speaker: Res Bosshart
Participating: Bush Hartshorn, Massimo Mancini, Stefan Kaegi, Martine Pisani, Tomàs Aragay, Frédéric Mazzely, Mustafa Kaplan, Goran Bogdanovski …
Moderator: Nevenka Koprivšek

  • Looking beyond

From 3 pm to 5 pm
The current crisis has drastically weakened the economic, social, cultural and democratic tissue of Europe and still continues to persist across the continent. While we do see art and culture gradually becoming crucial engines in propelling the new momentum of society, austerity measures (cutting more than 20% of financing) also act as a severe destabilizing force, hindering the dynamics of art and culture in Europe. It is absolutely crucial therefore, to examine and reflect upon our existing abilities of permanent reaction, which would allow us to pull through the crisis without jeopardizing either the potential in this new momentum or the European cultural players.

Introductory speaker: Pascal Brunet
Participating: : Stefan Kaegi, Martine Pisani, Tomàs Aragay, Anela Bešo, Rarita Zbranca, Kyohei Sakaguchi, Davis Freeman, Mariko Tsukaguchi …
Moderator: Nevenka Koprivšek

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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August 27, 2012 8:00 pm

Monday, August 27th at 8 pm
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

A concert to remember plus two typewriters
While going through the basement of her grandparents one day, Portuguese artist Patrícia Portela found a chest, containing the writings and designs of Acácio Nobre, a forgotten inventor and artist from the beginning of the 20th century. He was what you might call the Portuguese da Vinci, Lumière or Steve Jobs: a toy inventor, a science fiction author, a bio-engineer, an art devotee and an avant-gardist. Nobre had been silenced and erased from Portuguese history by the dictatorship. By using a silent movie accompanied by two typewriters as a simultaneous narrative with musical scenery, Patrícia Portela goes on to create a story by forming a dialogue with the avant-gardist through an account of his plans, political ideas and ambitious scientific and art projects.

Text and images: Patrícia Portela
Typewriter and sound installation: Christoph de Boeck
Special effects and image post-production: Irmã Lúcia
Electronic design: Fabrice Moinet
Interpreters: André e. Teodósio, Patrícia Portela
Light design: Daniel Worm d’Assumpção
Acácio Nobre’s jewel: Alda Salavisa
Acácio Nobre’s tables: João Gonçalves
Table and benches manufacturer: Lionel&Bicho
Dressmaker: D. Maria Luisa
Text editing: Isabel Garcez
Video: Rui Ribeiro, Les Filmes de Merdre
Production managers: Helena Serra, Pedro Pires
A co-production by: Prado/ EGEAC-Maria Matos Teatro Municipal
With the support of: Gulbenkian Foundation, La Porta
Sponsored by: Jata – pequenos electrodomésticos, São Luiz, Teatro Praga, Algifa, A vida Portuguesa, CNC, Toy Museum of Sintra
Associated Partner: ZDB

90 minutes
Performance is in English with Slovene subtitles.

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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Concert: Pionir 10 (Serbia)

August 28, 2012 9:00 pm

Tuesday, August 28th at 9 pm
Butcher’s bridge

This year’s ‘festival band’ is Pionir 10, a Serbian collective that has not yet made its appearance on Slovene stages. They named themselves after a satellite, which was the first spacecraft to enter the asteroid belt in the early seventies of the 20th century. They like to refer to themselves as members of a lost generation. They are a New Wave group from Subotica, and were previously known as Miške i drugari. Their concerts sweep dazzled audiences off their feet. And no wonder: amazing music, great lyrics and contemporary sounds, wrapped up in sweet nostalgia.

Pionir 10 are:
Guitar, vocals: Mihajlo Rodić
Keyboards, vocals: Daniela Mamuzić
Guitar: Predrag Vitner
Drums: Aleksa Otašević
Bass guitar: Petar Mitrić

Podprl/Supported by: Turizem Ljubljana

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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Visit to the Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies Vitanje

August 29, 2012 11:00 am

August 29th departing in front of Metelkova 2 at 11.00 am, returning to Ljubljana at 4.30 pm

A remarkably unique institution in the arena of culture, the Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies Vitanje, will open its doors on the September 6th this year. Guests of the Mladi levi festival are kindly invited to attend a pre-opening excursion to the Centre, where the artist Dragan Živadinov will explain its purpose and outline its future projects. A short artistic intervention will be held before the presentation.

Ksevt’s permanent project is 0.14::VERTIKALIZACIJA::MG
The première of the fifty-year-long theatre performance NOORDUNG::1995-2045 took place in 1995. Once every ten years a reprise will be staged on the same day, at the same time and with the same performers. If one of the actors or actresses happens to die in the interval, they will be replaced on stage by an abstract entity, manipulated by a remote control and set up in the equatorial orbit as an art satellite in 2045. In 2011, Milena Grm, the first actress of this fifty year-long performance, passed away.

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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Jolika Sudermann, Alma Söderberg: A TALK (Germany, Sweden)

August 29, 2012 7:00 pm August 30, 2012 7:00 pm

Wednesday, August 29th and Thursday, August 30th at 7 pm
Glej Theatre

What is the melody embedded in love stories? Which rhythmic patterns convey distrust for one another? How deep does the whispering of our secrets go? What do the silences between our sentences talk about? We converse about a great many things every single day. Some conversations are life-altering, whereas some are trivial. And then sometimes, we speak just to hear our own voice. After studying various conversations from up close, Jolika Sudermann and Alma Söderberg have come to find that they are inhabited with an abundance of melodies, rhythms and gestures. When in a conversation, we actually sing and dance with each other. This award-winning performance, entitled A Talk is a virtuosic play of words and language, a composition of content. The brilliant duet slides within a blank space, arising between sensuality and meaning.

Concept, choreography and performance: Jolika Sudermann, Alma Söderberg
Artistic consulting: Igor Dobričić, Martin Nachbar
Lighting design: Erik Gramberg, Tilo Schwarz
Sound and light technician: Martin Lovšin
Production management: Stephanie Lühn
Production: Het Veem Theater
Co-production: zeitraumexit Mannheim, FFT Düsseldorf
Supported by: Tanzfabrik Berlin

45 minutes
The performance is in English. A Slovene synopsis will be available.

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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De Utvalgte: KUNSTEN Å BLI TAM (Norway)

August 29, 2012 9:00 pm August 30, 2012 9:00 pm

Wednesday, August 29th and Thursday, August 30th at 9 pm
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

The secret of being human
This performance transforms the stage into a dream landscape and thus offers a uniquely exquisite experience by invoking an inventive play of light and sound amidst hypnotic three-dimensional reality. It speaks about being human. About memories. About growing old. About the fear of dying. About the fear of living. It cannot help but wonder while staring wilderness right in the eye, whether underneath all that human desire for love and security there may not yet await our yearning to be tamed and to belong. Can it be that the thing, generally referred to as ‘the mind’ in human beings, is something utterly metaphysical? Or, on the other hand, are we nothing but slaves to our instincts? Archetypes of some other lives lived? The most profound answers to these questions are conveyed through a metaphor one can find in fairy tales that speak about men and animals in one breath. Images of representation travel through our blood as something utterly beautiful and cruel at the same time and then attach themselves to our memories. Everything seems so familiar; we must have been here before.

Actors: Torbjørn Davidsen, Stein Winge, Randi Rommetveit, Pelle Ask
Director: Kari Holtan
Dramaturge: Anne Holtan
Video and lighting design: Boya Bøckman
Sound design: Merethe Mongstad
Set design: Carle Lange
Costumes: Gjøril Bjerche Sæther
Producer: Maya Bøckman
Supported by: Arts Council Norway, Norwegian Association for Performing Arts, The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Translation to Slovene: Anja Keber

75 minutes
The performance is in Norwegian with Slovene and English subtitles.

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906,
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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