We are announcing: Mladi Levi International Festival 2014

August 23, 2014 - August 31, 2014



The Mladi Levi International Festival is one of the more prominent annual events of the Bunker institution, bringing the most current performing artists from all over the world to Ljubljana every end of the summer. Engaged art will define this year’s programme, with contemporary performances highlighting documentary theatre (more…)

The Mladi levi festival on the lookout for volunteers

Kindergarten, Lion cubs, photo: Nada Žgank

Volunteers have gradually become a crucial part of the Mladi levi festival over the last couple of years; not only for the work they have invested in realisation of the programme, but also for the enthusiasm and the energy they have so generously contributed. (more…)

We are announcing: Mladi Levi International Festival 2013

The Mladi Levi International Festival is the most visible annual event of the Bunker Institute and is the culmination  of Bunker’s long term efforts for a better quality of life while preserving its cutting edge character and consistently placing performances into its focus. This year’s programme will be structured around music theatre, dance performances, new circus, documentary theatre, and few projects engaging inhabitants of Ljubljana for participation in artistic processes and public space. (more…)

Bani Brusadin: Communication Guerrilla Revisited (lecture)

August 23, 2012 7:00 pm

Thursday, August 23rd at 7.00 pm
Project space Aksioma

Communication Guerrilla promotes the radical use of fiction, which strains the mechanism of ideology and social control. But what happens to subversion of mass culture when it hits a networked society? How is pranksterism evolving in the era of cynicism, information overload and digital disorder?

Lecturer: Bani Brusadin, activist and founder of The Influencers festival (Barcelona, Spain)

Lecture is in English.
More about lecture…

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906, info@bunker.si
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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Kyohei Sakaguchi: MOBILE HOUSE (Practice for a Revolution)- Japan

August 23, 2012 8:00 pm - September 2, 2012 8:00 pm


Thursday, August 23rd at 8.00 pm, the installation will beopen until September 2nd
The platform by the Slovene Etnographic Museum

Home is where the heart is

Kyohei Sakaguchi is a special kind of architect. In fact, one might even call him an anti-architect, due to his belief that houses are a commodity to be shared. He is deeply interested in the houses and shelters that are set up by the homeless on the streets of Tokyo. He admires their blend of functionality and style, their use of recycled materials and their ready-made nature, allowing residents to move in anytime and anyplace. According to Sakaguchi, architecture can be experienced in its vivid fullness when one sleeps outside, without any roof or walls. And this is exactly the way he lived when travelling across Japan and India for two years, with no money in his pocket. How much potential does a DIY residence cabin have? For Sakaguchi, architecture is an instinct, a skill, resourcefulness and an archetype. The houses on wheels and the mobile living cabins that he makes invoke the feeling of freedom and human vitality, inspiring people to believe that the society of capitalist greed and consumerism has not entirely succeeded in eradicating the wisdom, creativity, knowledge and ability in us to build something with our very own hands.

Author: Kyohei Sakaguchi
Producer: Katarina Slukan
Technical realisation: Matjaž Korez, Žan Korez
Supported by: EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee

Supported by: EU Japan Fest

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906, info@bunker.si
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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Aljoša Ternovšek, Sebastijan Horvat, Matjaž Latin, Andreja Kopač: WAS IST MARIBOR? (Slovenia)

August 23, 2012 8:30 pm

Thursday, August 23rd at 8.30 pm
The platform by the Slovene Etnographic Museum

Proletarians of the world
The documentary performance Was ist Maribor? is dedicated to the rise and especially the fall of the greatest Maribor-based industrial giant: the Maribor Automobile and Motorcycle Factory (TAM), which at its height provided a livelihood for more than ten thousand workers. TAM was what you might call a country within a country. A giant. However, the factory gradually turned into a plundered and ravished industrial landscape due to financial and political agendas that came into being during the transitional era, whereas the workers, selflessly devoted to the factory and to their work, were left with a loss of rights and words. Until now that is. They have finally been given the opportunity to speak up and reveal the truth about the course of their destinies, which seems to contain even more cruelty and drama than any made-up drama could handle. There are real-life victims here. And real-life executioners. This is a dramatic documentary of sincerity and sad absurdity about the times we live in; work is no longer considered a value here and greed no longer counts as a deadly sin.

Authors: Aljoša Ternovšek, Sebastijan Horvat, Matjaž Latin, Andreja Kopač
Hosts: Ida Baš and Dušan Tomažič
Performing: Moški pevski zbor Slava Klavora, Pihalni orkester Svoboda, Galina Čajka and invited guests
Journalist collaborators and researchers: Alma Sedlar, Vasja Jager
Video: Nejc Saje
Music: Sebastijan Duh
Graphic designer and photographer: Matjaž Wenzel
Technical director: Igor Remeta
Producer: Maks Soršak
Organiser: Slavko Škvorc
Production: KUD BORZA
Supported by: Maribor 2012
In collaboration with: Cona Tezno, Pokrajinski muzej Maribor, RTV Slovenija (Regionalni center Maribor), Radio Center, Europlakat
Translation to English language: Ajda Šoštarič

80 minutes
Performance is in Slovene with English subtitles.

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906, info@bunker.si
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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Reverend Billy, Savitri D: Workshop, sermon, public intervention (USA)

August 24, 2012 4:00 pm

Friday, August 24th from 4 pm

The performer Reverend Billy draws inspiration from American preachers for his flamboyant interventions, which he performs together with a group of activists that he recruits from local communities. The Reverend Billy exorcises the consumerist Devil out of cash-registers or people in shops; he exorcises hypocritical art sponsors who destroy nature and then ask for forgiveness; for example, he exorcised the “evil spirit” of British Petroleum from the Tate Modern. Like the ancient philosopher Diogenes, who carried a lantern around in broad daylight trying to find an honest man, Reverend Billy looks for people in shopping malls. He was preaching on Wall Street and got arrested while licking the cups in a Starbucks coffee shop. In his opinion, people should transform themselves from consumers to citizens. The Reverend Billy merely practices what the church preaches. So… what would Jesus buy?

  • Workshop:

A preparatory workshop prior to the public intervention will be held between the 21st and 24th of August: on the 21st and 22nd of August at 5.00 pm and on the 24th of August at 4.00 pm in the Glej Theatre.

  • Public intervention:

The 24th of August in Ljubljana

  • Sermon:

August 24th at 7.30 pm in Glej Theatre

More: http://www.aksioma.org/reverend_billy

Concept and realisation: Reverend Billy, Savitri D
Producers: Samo Selimović, Marcela Okretič
Production: Aksioma – Zavod za sodobne umetnosti, Bunker Ljubljana
Co-production: Gledališče Glej
Special thanks to: Bani Brusadin
Supported by: Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost, kulturo in šport, Mestna občina Ljubljana

August 23rd at 7.00 pm, Project space Aksioma

Workshop, sermon and lecture are in English.

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906, info@bunker.si
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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Camille Boitel: L’IMMÉDIAT (France)

August 24, 2012 8:00 pm August 25, 2012 8:00 pm

Friday, August 24th at 8 pm and Saturday, August 25th at 8 pm
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Pulling through chaos
The French contemporary circus performer and stage virtuoso Camille Boitel is an old acquaintance of the Mladi levi festival. His award-winning performance L’Immédiat will breathe life into the magical stage of objects, where nothing is what it seems. Seven young acrobats will draw on their breathtaking physical abilities to defy the ruthless tsunami of destabilizing forces amidst a chaotic reality. Every object and every movement fights against the forces of gravity, released time and time again by Mother Earth in order to keep us bound to her bosom. What you’re about to experience is philosophy in movement; a circus performance, bursting with surrealist imagery, black humour, apocalypse and optimism. Poetry. Magic.

Performers: Camille Boitel, Marine Broise, Aldo Thomas, Pascal Le Corre, Thomas de Broissia, Marion Lefèbvre, Jacques Benoit Dardant
Construction:members of the company with the help of Jérémie Garry, Benoît Finker, Thomas de Broissia, Martin Gautron
Stage manager from a distance: Martine Staerk
Lightning design: Benoit Fincker
Outside eye: Nicole Gautier
Production and distribution: L’Immédiat, Si Par Hasard

65 minutes

FREE tickets to all events but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information: +386 51 269 906, info@bunker.si
Meeting point after the performances: DRUGA POMOČ, Šmartinska 3, 1000 Ljubljana
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