Mladi levi festival: Mathurin Bolze / Hedi Thabet- ALI

August 29, 2010 8:00 pm 8:00 pm August 30, 2010 8:00 pm 8:00 pm


Location: Plesni Teater Ljubljana

The French circus artist Mathurin Bolze, an acrobat of the air and a dancer, already bewitched us to the point of taking our breath away with a performance entitled Les Fenetres at The Mladi Levi Festival held two years ago. Despite his virtuosity, Mathurin never employs his skill in a boastful manner. He merely sets out to prove that his own body evades the laws and limits of gravity, which are there for the sole purpose of being constantly challenged. (more…)

Mladi Levi festival: WILD SEED

August 30, 2010 11:00 am

divje-seme 540

Photo: Suzana Kajba

by Zlatko Zajc

It happens almost all the time that we simply overlook the abundance of what surrounds us. This time we had drawn attention to what grows wild and unattended around us in the city by the help of Zlatko Zajc, also known to many as Zlatko Zakladko. (more…)

Mladi levi festival: Gregor Strniša, Iztok Lovrić, Paramundus- BEATLEGEIST

August 30, 2010 9:00 pm


Location: Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

There was a time when generations actually learned their English by listening and singing to The Beatles songs. And if there is such a thing as a universal repertoire to be performed by anyone at any given moment, it definitely includes The Beatles and perhaps some partisan songs on top of that. (more…)

PROSTOROŽ09_ STREET (installation)

August 22, 2009 3:00 pm - August 29, 2009 11:00 pm

Slomškova street

ProstoRož is a collective of female architects, which has been performing creative and well-considered interventions in the public urban environment ever since 2004. (more…)

Katarina Stegnar, Via Negativa: BUYER WITH AN EYE

August 22, 2009 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

MLADI LEVI: Saturday, August 22nd at 7 pm
Gledališče Glej

On Value and Art
Via Negativa is an international theatre project that is already well known to the Slovene contemporary scene-arts milieu. The collective of its creators has been involved in the project ever since 2002, having placed the main focus of the project on its theatre performance, which is defined in terms of a relationship between the audience member and the performer as constituted in real dimensions of space and time. The cycle of the Via Nova performances attempts to deepen and break down some of the elements, previously used by the performers in the past works of Via negativa. (more…)

Kornél Mundruczó, Yvette Bíró: FRANKENSTEIN-PROJECT

August 23, 2009 5:00 pm 9:00 pm

MLADI LEVI: Sunday, August 23rd at 5 pm and at 9 pm
Parkirišče Elektra Ljubljana, vhod Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Lj.

On the Edge of Life
Kornél Mundruczó is a widely recognized Hungarian film director who won the Critics Award at the Cannes Film Festival last year with his film Delta. (more…)

Grega Zorc, Via Negativa: GOOD DEAL

August 23, 2009 7:30 pm 7:30 pm

MLADI LEVI: Sunday, August 23rd at 7.30 pm
Gledališče Glej

Based on material from performance STARTING POINT: ANGER and INCASSO (Via Negativa, 2002–2004), created by Grega Zorc and Bojan Jablanovec. (more…)