Institute for Labour Studies: YEAR 19, lectures

IDŠ 19 letnik mala

Year 19: Productivity

The Old Power Station in Ljubljana has traditionally hosted lectures by the Institute for Labour Studies. This will be the 19th year of the lectures, this time on the topic of productivity. Until the end of April, the lectures will be held every Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Union Hall (Sindikalna dvorana) by the Old Power Station.The speakers will include, among others: David Harvie, Chris O’Kane, Benjamin Noys, Christoph Henning, Tibor Rutar, Primož Krašovec, Urban Sušnik, Samo Tomšič, Lea Kuhar, Uroš Kranjc, Simon Hajdini(more…)

May Day School 2016: Religion and Capitalism

April 27, 2016 12:00 pm - April 30, 2016 7:00 pm

plakat mali

May Day School 2016 will reopen the questions of religion, critique of religion, its role and pertinence in contemporary society, its interaction with capitalism and critique thereof. We will attempt to cover a range of topics and questions at various levels of abstraction: from general rethinking of relation between capitalism and religions as two principles of organisation of society, in their conflicts and affinities, to the attempts to confront the more manifest and pressing contemporary issues, such as tension between feminism and religious upsurge, or the precise role of Islamic religion in the structure of conflict(s) in the Middle East. (more…)