Defracto: FLAQUE

June 22, 2019 8:00 pm

There will be some juggling. There will be slackness. There will be puddles.
There won’t be any animal tortured, or banana spoiled, but there will be coffee, drops,
and a procession for the last hours of queen Cleopatra.
What can we show that is not already visible on YouTube ?
Flaque is a show in situ and non determinist that goes beyond limits drawn by tape.



With and by: David Maillard, Eric Longequel, Guillaume Martinet
Juggling: Guillaume Martinet, Eric Longequel
Music creation, staging: David Maillard
Artistic direction: Johan Swartvagher
Juggling choreography advice: Jay Gilligan
Light design: David Carney
Production manager: Laure Caillat

Photo: Pierre Morel

Partners: Théâtre Bretigny – Scène conventionnée du Val d’Orge, Théâtres Départementaux de la Réunion, Centre national de la Danse, Maison des Jonglages, Coopérative 2R2C, Theater op de Markt, l’Essaim de Julie, le CENTQUATRE – Paris, La Grainerie, La Fabrik.

Duration: 60 min

Main organiser: Zavod Bufeto
Co-organised by: Zavod Bunker, Društvo EX-teater, Festival Junij v Ljubljani, SMGL, Zavod Salesianum
Financial support: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana – oddelek za kulturo, Turizem Ljubljana

Tickets: 7 € / 5 € (students, seniors, self-employed cultural workers)
Tickets pack: 24 € (valid for all festival shows)

Info & reservations:, 051 269 906
More: and


June 20, 2019 8:00 pm

The American president, the first Slovenian son-in-law, is going to visit the hometown of his spouse. Despite the obligations of the pending political campaign, the local politicians try their best to arrange a private conversation with this prominent guest. It all gets even more complicated when the president of the Russian Federation shows up in the valley of Sevnica, in order to hold a conversation regarding new world order with his American peer. How can all the local, national, global, political, personal and economic issues be resolved? Is there a straightforward solution and who is the Trump in the hole? This must be a heated and a nail-biting political drama, with ingredients of cankarian humor as well as Slovenian common sense.

Playwright and director: Jaka Andrej Vojevec
Stage design and costumes: Andrej Vrhovnik
Original music: Uroš Jezdić
Mask creation: Branko Drekonja
Dramaturg and producent: Klavdija Zupan
Cast: Gašper Jarni, Alenka Marinič, Rok Kravanja, Uroš Jezdić

Photo: Jaša Jenull

Duration: 80 min

Main organiser: Zavod Bufeto
Co-organised by: Zavod Bunker, Društvo EX-teater, Festival Junij v Ljubljani, SMGL, Zavod Salesianum
Financial support: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana – oddelek za kulturo, Turizem Ljubljana

Tickets: 7 € / 5 € (students, seniors, self-employed cultural workers)
Tickets pack: 24 € (valid for all festival shows)

Info & reservations:, 051 269 906


June 19, 2019 8:00 pm

Life is Short Stories is a collection of visual anecdotes about the meaning and madness of life. The stories are at times concrete, at times abstract; at times loud, at times quiet; at times silly, at times sombre; but they’re always comical and straight out of life. Almost entirely without words, the artist explores the sorrows, fears and hopes of a man who wants to be free from his constraints, yet is searching for a foothold.

For over twenty years, Matthias Romir has been creating short acts on the boundaries of juggling, object theatre, clowning and video art. At some point it occurred to him that many of his works have an intrinsic connection, without having been planned that way. That’s how several short stories became one long one and Romir’s first feature-length programme. The full spectrum of his work unfolds in an intense rush of images.

Written, directed and performed by Matthias Romir
Sound and Light: Hannes Volk
Videos: Matthias Romir, Anatoli Akerman
Set Design: Matthias Romir
Costumes: Anna Kemp, Matthias Romir, Jane Romir

Photo: Tom Schneider

“Comical and full of melancholic poetry.” (Schaffhauser Nachrichten)
“A Gesamtkunstwerk which the juggler’s skill releases from mere astonishment and the sheer pleasure of jugglery and instead embeds uncompromisingly into
modernity … an outstanding programme.” (Nürnberger Nachrichten)
“What it offers is the most beautiful poetisation of life.” (Darmstädter Echo)
“Matthias Romir has upgraded good old juggling for the 21st century … The artist, a
man driven.” (Der Westen)
“Simply amazing!” (Mittelhessische)
“Hard to describe with words” (Anzeiger Affoltern)

Main organiser: Zavod Bufeto
Co-organised by: Zavod Bunker, Društvo EX-teater, Festival Junij v Ljubljani, SMGL, Zavod Salesianum
Financial support: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana – oddelek za kulturo, Turizem Ljubljana

Tickets: 7 € / 5 € (students, seniors, self-employed cultural workers)
Tickets pack: 24 € (valid for all festival shows)

Info & reservations:, 051 269 906
More: and

“Das Leben ist Kurzgeschichten” new trailer from Matthias Romir on Vimeo.

Michael Zandl: JANUS

June 18, 2019 8:00 pm

A table, a chair, a closet, no exit. The world in which this man was born seems very modest at first view. Obviously different rules apply here, but this you can only know if you have been already somewhere else. He was never somewhere else. As he begins to question the reality of his life, it nearly seems that there is, next to objects that come alive and a small bugging fly which he shares the room with, an imperceptible power that is playing a perfidious game with him. Yet who is holding the threads in the end is even surprising for himself. “Janus” is a strange, circensic, magic, humorous, Kafkaesque psycho-thriller, which includes especially one thing: hats.

Michael Zandl was born 1989 in Austria. Already as a child he was fascinated by the abilities of the human body and started to juggle in a young age. After finishing his natural science studies in Vienna, he decided to follow his dream and turn his long-term passion for circus into his profession.
He moved to Rotterdam to study circus-arts at ‘Codarts – Hogeschool voor de Kunsten’, where he graduated from in June 2017. For his outstanding graduation performance and study results he was awarded with the MARC JONKERSPRIJS.
During his career he had the honor to perform in many big productions, and work amongst others with renowned directors  like Roberto Magro (La Central del Circ) or Ed Wubbe (Scapino-Ballet Rotterdam). In May 2017 he had the honor to be selected amongst more than 400 applicants for YOUNG STAGE Festival in Basel.


Performer: Michael Zandl
Special FX: Tom Henden
Director: Matthias Romir 

Photo: Laurin Gutwin

Supported by: Bundeskanzleramt Österreich, Katapult Berlin, Freudenhaus Lustenau, Schloss Bröllin e.V., Ministerium für Kultur – Mecklenburg Vorpommern

Duration: 50 min

Main organiser: Zavod Bufeto
Co-organised by: Zavod Bunker, Društvo EX-teater, Festival Junij v Ljubljani, SMGL, Zavod Salesianum
Financial support: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana – oddelek za kulturo, Turizem Ljubljana

Tickets: 7 € / 5 € (students, seniors, self-employed cultural workers)
Tickets pack: 24 € (valid for all festival shows)

Info & reservations:, 051 269 906
More: and

Mismo Nismo: NOise Cirkus

June 16, 2019 8:00 pm

NOise Circus is a contemporary circus/musical improvised performance that translates the attributes and philosophy of noise music into stage and circus language by researching human experience in a space of discarded objects a.k.a. trash. As creators of the performance, we think we can translate the noise methodology to circus in order to liberate this genre through experimenting and thus find new possible ways of its development. The project plays with capitalist reality and with fictional post-apocalyptic future that can exist at the same time on stage. We give new meaning to discarded objects through play and contemporary circus and performative practices. “What is circus and what its role in the contemporary society is” are the questions that we are most interested in indirectly. The aesthetic of performance is raw, experimental and filled with mistakes. Intra-personal dynamic, space where the used objects were salvaged from and the wider self-organised circus community in Slovenia is of key importance for this project.

Mismo Nismo is a new alt-art circus group from Ljubljana, Slovenia. We are pessimists that want to embrace the uncertainty through the experiences of (precarious) present. Our aesthetic is raw, experimental and filled with mistakes. Form is an experiment and idea is all.

This time they are presenting a work in progress.

Creators and Performers: Mismo Nismo – Oton Korošec, Eva Zibler, Tjaž Juvan, Panda
Music, set design, costume design, lighting and video design: Mismo Nismo
Consultants and external observers: Peter James, Liza Šimenc, Daniela Paci, Alessandra Simone
Producer: Mismo Nismo Association
Co-producer: Zavod Bufeto
Support and coordination: Jeunes Talents Cirque Europe with CircusNext programe
Partners: l’Espace Périphérique, Fondazione Vertigo, EX-teater, Cirkobalkana, Cirkusfera, Cirkorama, KC Mladost, Room 100, AKC Medika, Menza pri Koritu, Galerija Miroslav Kraljević, Cirkusarna NaokROG

Photo: Ivan P. Marenić

Financial support: EU Program Creative Europe

Selected in CircusNext 2018–2019, European program coordinated by Jeunes Talents Cirque Europe and supported by European Union.

Duration: 45 min

Main organiser: Zavod Bufeto
Co-organised by: Zavod Bunker, Društvo EX-teater, Festival Junij v Ljubljani, SMGL, Zavod Salesianum
Financial support: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana – oddelek za kulturo, Turizem Ljubljana


Info & reservations:, 051 269 906