Old Guys Say Yes to Community

May 11, 2019
9:00 am - 6:00 pm

International conference of the Erasmus+ project entitled Old Guys Say Yes to Community will present methods, practices and approaches for greater participation and engagement in social life of man aged 60 or more. (more…)

THE ASPECT OF WOMAN, International Conference

May 26, 2016
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
May 27, 2016
9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Irina Rahovsky Kralj_ Saša Pavček_2003 malaauthor of the picture: Irina Rahovsky Kralj

Critical rethinking of the complementary roles and appearances of woman – female, who refused to remain solely the other sex and appeared in the context of visual culture throughout the past century as critical and provocative subject, challenging possibilities and limitations in the world of the first sex, is the main theme of the two day conference on “The Aspect of Woman”. The conference is an integral part of an ongoing project “Artistic Creativity of Women from the 19th Century to the Present Time” and is the first in line of the periodically scheduled events in the course of the following years. (more…)

Ready to Change International Conference: NEW POLITICAL MYTHOLOGIES AND ART

August 26, 2016 - August 27, 2016

banner-RTC-16 (3) mala ready to ChangeThe cognitive science is proving more and more that the facts do not directly correlate or influence our understanding of the world. The climate change debate testifies to this: even though the evidence corpus is compiling and the science community is backing the claims that the climate change is man-induced, the shift in acting upon facts not beliefs still has not happened (therefore the sentence: I do not believe in climate change). Our beliefs are shaped by dominant narratives or mythologies and internalized through the filter of our personal narrative – story of our role and position in relations. (more…)