The Old Power Station Open Doors Day

December 13, 2017
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

The Old Power Station Behind the Scenes

Guided tour of the Old Power Station – a story of history

»On January 1, 1898, the city of Ljubljana shone in the electric light. The era of electrification began the introduction of all things new and modern. One can simply not imagine a life without electricity today. The inventors have developed new devices, new machines and means of transport that radically changed the situation during the period of electrification.” (more…)

OPEN HOUSE SLOVENIA, guided tour of Stara elektrarna

October 4, 2014 4:00 pm

Mladi levi; Odprtje festivala (Re¸ija: Beton Ltd.; Nastopajo?i: Irena Preda, Polona Jane¸i?, Matija Dolenc, Jaka Berger, Uro¨ Kaurin, Toma¸ Grom, Primo¸ Bezjak, Branko Jordan, Katarina Stegnar, Jelena Rusjan, Tina Peri?, Kristina Gorovska, Grega Zorc, Vito Weis, Leja Juri¨i?, Teja Reba, Boris Benko, Primo¸ Hladnik, Igor Vi?enti?), Stara mestna elektrarna, 23.8.2014Photo: Nada Žgank

Open House Slovenia (OHS) is an initiative that aims to raise the awareness of architecture and urban space in order to improve the quality of life. The emphasis of the event is showcasing high quality contemporary Slovenian architecture, innovative solutions, adaptation to the environment, flexibility of the building, and sustainable construction. (more…)