August 23, 2010 11:00 am


foto: Gregor Gobec

by Ira Zorko
An improvised walk across Tabor and Šempeter with an architect, permaculturalist and a storyteller Ira Zorko, once again returning to the completely changed area of his childhood. He used to live at Rozmanova 2, in the Ravnikar apartment building in the height of the St Peter church bells. (more…)

Mladi levi festival: De Utvalgte- SKUGGAR

August 24, 2010 8:00 pm


Location: Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

The Norwegian theatre group De Utvalgte is returning to The Mladi Levi Festival with a poetic performance entitled Skuggar, the shadows. It is based on the text of one of the most interesting contemporary Norwegian dramatists, Jon Fosse, whose works have been performed by the De Utvalgte collective numerous times. (more…)

Mladi levi festival: Kar češ brass band- concert

August 25, 2010 8:00 pm

kar ces brass band

Location: Butcher’s bridge

Members of the Kar češ brass band (in English: Whatever Brass Band) originally come from Cerkljansko, but the young musicians actually formed the band on a university campus in Ljubljana about ten years ago. With a pair of trumpets, saxophones, trombones, a tuba, and a rhythm section all on board, the band is far beyond playing whatever these days. (more…)


August 25, 2010 August 26, 2010 August 30, 2010

Photo: Kud Obrat

Location: closed construction site at Resljeva street in Ljubljana
Beginning: August 2010

With opening the construction site at Resljeva street which is closed since many years we are pointing on potential of degraded urban areas. In close collaboration with people living around the area and other interested people we are planning to transform the site into a dynamic communal space. (more…)

Mladi levi festival: The Art of Engagement- round table

August 26, 2010 5:00 pm 5:00 pm

Asociacija, an association of 50 NGOs and 27 independent artists in the domain of culture and art, would like to introduce itself in the framework of The Mladi Levi Festival and thereby open a debate on the nature of possibilities which allow artists nowadays to respond to contemporary social questions, namely those that bear a direct link to the realities of their audiences. (more…)

Mladi levi festival: Pichet Klunchun- NIJINSKY SIAM

August 26, 2010 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm

Nijinsky Siam

Pichet Klunchun already introduced himself at The Mladi Levi Festival a couple of years ago in an interesting duet with Jerôme Bel, whereas he is returning to the Festival this year with two performances, one of them entitled Nijinsky Siam and the other I am a Demon. (more…)

Mladi levi festival: Primož Bezjak / Via Negativa- INVALID

August 27, 2010 8:00 pm 8:00 pm


Location: Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Primož Bezjak is one of the newest members of the Via Negativa collective and otherwise familiar to audiences as a renowned actor, dancer, and performer in Slovenia. He collaborates with the group Betontanc, Mladinsko Theatre, and various independent artists and has performed on practically all Slovene and also several international stages. Most recently he played the lead in a successful Slovene film Petelinji zajtrk, directed by Marko Naberšnik. (more…)

Mladi levi festival: Jos Houben- THE ART OF LAUGHTER

August 27, 2010 9:30 pm


Location: Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Belgian director and actor Jos Houben is cofounder of the renowned Complicite theatre, with which he has played all the world’s stages, subsequently continuing along this path with his own group The Right Size (he was awarded the prestigious Laurence Olivier prize in the UK for his work). He has worked with many directors and his recent part in Beckett’s drama Fragments, directed by Peter Brook, was also a great success. (more…)


August 28, 2010 - August 31, 2010

Location: Kinodvor

Youngsters have had a chance to dwell on the theme of the greenery in one’s home town at film and cartoon workshops. These had been held in the framework of the Kinodvor children and youth program entitled Kinobalon, as a part of the summer film marathon for children and youth.

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