SALVIA- 6th European Deaf Arts and Culture Festival

October 2, 2010 - October 9, 2010


The European Deaf Arts and Culture Festival entitled Salvia takes place every second year in another country. Slovenia is chosen to be the hosting country in 2010 and this will actually be the first time for an event of this sort to be hosted in Slovenia. (more…)


October 8, 2010 8:00 pm - October 17, 2010 8:00 pm


The forthcoming edition of The City of Women Festival is to transgress the artistic disciplines within the thematic arena entitled Between Past and Future. The conceptual background refers to the eponymous book written by Hannah Arendt, bringing forth the problem of human existence, which – robbed of traditional, transcendental and moral standards for crossing the bridge between past and future – lost its compass.

Heather Ackroyd / Dan Harvey: ON THE FIELD

August 20, 2010 10:30 pm


The platform by the Slovene etnographic museum

UK based artists Ackroyd & Harvey were creating a specially commissioned work for The Mladi levi Festival. The artists are renowned for their extraordinary bio-chemical living photographs, they have shown in museums and contemporary galleries world-wide, and have presented work in diverse contexts outside of the exhibition space. (more…)

Mladi levi festival: Stefan Kaegi/ Rimini Protokoll: RADIO MUEZZIN

August 20, 2010 9:00 pm August 21, 2010 9:00 pm


Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Muezzins are special people. They are those mysterious voices calling the faithful to prayer, echoing from the minarets of mosques across Muslim countries five times a day.
Muezzins called out for worshippers to pray from the top of minarets until the 1950s and were often blind so that they could not peep over their neighbours’ fences. For quite some time now the azan, the call to prayer, has been performed simply in the mosque with a microphone in hand, while the chant itself echoes from loudspeakers. (more…)

Mladi Levi Festival: IN SEARCH OF THE GREEN QUARTER (exhibition)

August 21, 2010 5:00 pm

photo: Aleksander S. Ostan

Location: Hostel Celica
Saturday, August 21st at 5.00 pm, exhibited until Monday, August 30th

This exhibition represented an epilogue in the process which we undertook together with the students from the Famul Stuart School of Applied Arts and their mentor, an architect Aleksander S. Ostan. We focused on exploring the presence, difficulties and qualities of the green surfaces in the Tabor local district. According to findings of a research performed by Bunker together with Matjaž Uršič and Špela Drnovšek Zorko in the beginning of this year, the majority of inhabitants and passers-by in this part of the city seem to miss the greenery and a space to rest and chat casually. This exhibition was not only about presenting our findings, but marked the beginning (and continuation) of an effort to turn the Tabor local district green and to thereby invited the visitors to participate in thought and action.

Essential part of the exhibition was a walking map of the Tabor local district, featuring several spaces and sight-viewing spots, which represented a crossroad of various green stories. The exhibition took place in live version by four different tours across the neighbourhood, guided by special guests.


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August 21, 2010 6:00 pm


Foto: Aleksander S. Ostan

Location: Platform by the Slovene Ethnographic Museum

Every period has certain criteria regarding either beauty or functionality, which pervade and thus leave their stamp on a place in time. What is the vision and the image of the Tabor local district, which is considered to lack any real identity due to its fleeting and passing spirit?

Mladi Levi festival: A LOOK BY THE WAY

August 22, 2010 11:00 am

foto: Aleksander S. Ostan

by Aleksander S. Ostan

A relaxed walk across Tabor will shed light on different perceptions of the quarter with a special emphasis placed on various ways of seeing and reading its green surfaces: from those well arranged to those deserted, from those most evident to those hidden to the eye, from those public to those privately secluded… All of these surfaces will be observed with an eye encompassing both the whole picture as well as every detail. (more…)

Mladi levi festival: Opstaele / Ensemble Leporello- NUIT ARABE

August 22, 2010 9:30 pm August 23, 2010 9:30 pm

Nuit arabe

Location: Mini teater Ljubljana

Dirk Opstaele is an extraordinary narrator. He is an actor, director, and choreographer, directing and performing in various performances, either in those of the Leporello group or in operas and different musical performances across Europe. (more…)