November 25, 2018 8:00 pm

Concept and directing: Maja Dekleva Lapajne
Performers: Alenka Marinič, Christoph Jungmann, Ladislav Karda, Lee White, Matthieu Loos, Michaela Puchalková, Peter Frankl, Sara Šoukal, Vanda Gabrielova, Vid Sodnik
Music: Goran Završnik, Hannu Risku
Lights: Borut Cajnko

At the bitter-sweet end of the festival all ensemble members and the audience meet one last time. This time after days of intense work – performances, rehearsals, workshops, discussions and evening get-togethers. Many a word has been said but not every word. A lot has happened and yet certain possibilities are still up in the air. Many a wish has been fulfilled, yet some have not even been expressed yet. At the final festival performance visiting artists will have an opportunity to express their wishes regarding what they still desire to experience on this stage with this particular cast and with this particular audience in this particular space and time.  The rest will do their best to fulfil these wishes. It’s now or never.

Tickets: 5 EUR.
Ticket booking and information:, 00386 51 269 902
The performance is in English.


November 23, 2018 9:00 pm

Concept and performing: Alenka Marinič, Hannu Risku, Julie Doyelle, Matthieu Loos
Music: Hannu Risku
Lights: Borut Cajnko

The Japanese sound for brushing teeth is an American slang word for sex: »Did you guys chaka chaka yet?«. Now it’s also the name of a European improvised performance focused on physical connection and musicality. Chaka Chaka.

The cast is a combination of many duos : Alenka and Matthieu have met brushing their teeth in silence on one of the French stages. Chaka Chaka. Years later they accidentally caused a festival paper-snowfight in Ljubljana. Chaka Chaka. Julie and Hannu met around a Slovenian blackboard before drawing unforgettable diagonals in Scandinavia. Chaka Chaka. Matthieu and Julie also share two French kids. So let’s Chaka Chaka!

Tickets: 5 EUR (per performance), 8 EUR (for both performances of the evening)
Ticket booking and information:, 00386 51 269 902
The performance is in English.


November 23, 2018 7:00 pm

Concept: Maja Dekleva Lapajne
Performers: Julie Doyelle, Ladislav Karda, Lee White, Michaela Puchalková, Peter Frankl, Rok Bohinc, Tomaž Lapajne Dekleva, Urša Strehar Benčina, Vanda Gabrielova and others
Music: Hannu Risku
Lights: Borut Cajnko

The performance is in English. The performance will be limited to 30 audience members.

Just as you wish you could invite someone from across the dance floor to a dance and figure out, in that compressed time of one song, what lingers between you and how for a moment you meet in celebration of life, you can wish to meet someone on stage and let the resulting content flow freely.

International improvisers will invite each other and members of the audience to short sparkling impro encounters. Everyone present on the evening’s playground can embark upon researching a contact. They can sincerely decline the performer’s invitation to a “dance” or accept it and venture into wonderful landscapes of the unknown.

The Invitation to Dance is an event especially designed for this year’s Naked Stage that centres on the theme of connection. It toys with the roles of the performer and the observer, and forefronts relations that weave between everyone involved. In this case the short but sweet, clumsy or focused close encounters between performers and audiences take place on stage.

The event replaces the originally scheduled performance Here You See by Berlin-based artist Christoph Jungmann who unfortunately had to cancel his participation at the Naked Stage festival due to health issues.

Tickets: 5 EUR (per performance), 8 EUR (for both performances of the evening)
Ticket booking and information:, 00386 51 269 902
The performance is in English.


November 22, 2018 9:00 pm

Concept and performing: Lee White
Music: Hannu Risku
Lights: Borut Cajnko

​Legendary performance Your 15 Minutes of Fame by a charismatic Canadian artist had a world premiere at the Naked Stage Festival in 2005. After thirteen years of successful international tours it is coming back to its birthplace, where it will come to life with greater performing maturity. It is a sparkling performance, where the topmost improviser Lee White invites spectators with no theatre experience on stage and together with them creates touching and witty stories. The show, which gets its inspiration also from the works of Stephen McIntyre and his Theatre X, bases its idea on two principles: each one of us has a wonderful ability of spontaneous storytelling and all rules of improvisation have to be questioned.

Lee White is a world renowned theatre artist – performer, director and teacher. A Canadian, who lives in Berlin and spends a lot of his time on tours in Europe, Asia and North America. He is especially famous for the duo Crumbs in which together with Stephen Sim they have been co-creating the trends of contemporary improvisational theatre for more than 15 years. He has been involved in the birth of several new formats such as The Big Smart Improv Show and Knowledge and Punishment, the Improv/Game show. He has been collaborating in many international productions, namely in No Exit with Marko Mayerl and Matthieu Loos, in Paradigm together with Joe Bill and in Sincerely Yours with Maja Dekleva Lapajne and Hannu Risku.

Tickets: 5 EUR (per performance), 8 EUR (for both performances of the evening)
Ticket booking and information:, 00386 51 269 902
The performance is in English.


November 19, 2018 12:00 am

Concept and directing: Michaela Puchalková
Performers: Christoph Jungmann, Julie Doyelle, Ladislav Karda, Matthieu Loos, Sara Šoukal, Tomaž Lapajne Dekleva, Vanda Gabrielova
Music: Goran Završnik
Lights: Borut Cajnko

A childhood in the 1970s Prague was quite different from a childhood in West Berlin. Growing up in Ljubljana in the 80s was quite different than growing up on the border between Germany and France. Then those childhoods, when they are no longer childhoods but deep memories and key components of adults, meet at a festival in one of small European cities. They compare each other, laugh and cry at their fundamental differences and their eternal familiar similarities, process each other and take the stage.

Within the Our Lives project, Michaela Puchalková focuses on life’s milestones. Working with an international cast she has been developing methods of translating personal memories into stage material. The source of inspiration is very individual and intimate for each perfomer, but when it is translated into a physical stage situation it becomes a playground for collective processing. In her performance at the Naked Stage, Mihaela Puchalková continues her exploration of working with personal memories in an international aspect, but this time she focuses exclusively on childhood.

Tickets: 5 EUR (per performance), 8 EUR (for both performances of the evening)
Ticket booking and information:, 00386 51 269 902
The performance is in English.


November 21, 2018 8:00 pm

Concept and directing: Matthieu Loos
Performers: Alenka Marinič, Christoph Jungmann, Julie Doyelle, Ladislav Karda, Lee White, Michaela Puchalková, Urša Strehar Benčina, Vanda Gabrielova, Vid Sodnik
Music: Goran Završnik, Hannu Risku
Lights: Borut Cajnko

First there is my shell, my skin, my trace. Around me it is what you think of me, how you feel about me, and what others have told you about me. Can all that be neglected and forgotten? You see and experience my work of art through a prism of all that you already know about me. Before you read the contents you look at the envelope. I am not anybody from anywhere, I am an envelope. Finnish, German, Slovenian, French, Canadian, Czech – these are the envelopes.

I Am an Envelope, a performance by an international improvisational cast from six countries, directed by Matthieu Loos, is the opening performance of the Naked Stage festival. It is an evolution of an idea and approach that took shape at the Our Lives festival in Berlin in March with a performance called 28 which included 28 performers from 28 European Union countries. Whether they liked it or not they carried labels and representations of countries they came from. They could utilise those for a big celebration of diversity, or they tried to escape the label and simply make a human connection.

Tickets: 5 EUR (per performance), 8 EUR (for both performances of the evening)
Ticket booking and information:, 00386 51 269 902
The performance is in English.