Leja Jurišić and Marko Mandić: TOGETHER

March 1, 2019 6:00 pm

In the frame of Gibanica – Biennial of Slovenian Contemporary Dance Art

The performing duo Jurišić–Mandić, in collaboration with director Bojan Jablanovec and writer Semira Osmanagić, addresses the timeless ideal of performing arts and the eternally unsolvable issue of politics: what does it mean to be together, and how to be together. (more…)

Simona Semenič: TO LAST – CANCELLED

September 21, 2018 8:00 pm

To Last, a durational performance by the playwright and performer Simona Semenič, is her public reading of her complete works, ensuring the writing to be heard in her precarious voice.

Simona Semenič is a playwright whose writing has drastically changed the written play form in Slovenia; she invented new drama techniques and provided them with an ambivalent relationship between the voice of the drama and the voice of the playwright, which often intertwine and conceal their source, as well as with meta-dramatic (more…)