160824 Ich kann nicht anders 011foto.nada.zgankPhoto: Nada Žgank

Tuesday, 22 November 2016 at 6pm and 9pm
Narodni Dom cultural centre, Maribor

The performance is in Slovene with English surtitles.

The creative poetics of group Beton Ltd. (Katarina Stegnar, Branko Jordan, Primož Bezjak) is marked by a search for personal interventions into global issues – their position is often one of performers –, the exploration of new, hybrid performing arts formats and mastery over a range of techniques. Ich kann nicht anders is their fifth performance, whose counterpoint between complete intimacy and echoes of global events plays reminiscence to the thesis of Srećko Horvat that a true revolution is always a revolution of everything, the complete range of social relationships, even those most intimate.

The world all around is overwhelmed with happening, saturated with change. If a single constant can be identified, it is uncertainty. We sense new currents yet their trajectory remains obscure. One possible strategy to combat the deafening noise of the world is a retreat into the inner sanctum. Not surrender, but the defense of one’s own intimate realm from the outside bedlam. A repositioning into intimacy, where freedom is possible and utopia is – now.

75 minutes

Concept and direction: Beton Ltd.
Performers: Katarina Stegnar, Branko Jordan, Primož Bezjak
Music: Dead Tongues
Set design: sonda4, Toni Soprano
Costume: Mateja Benedetti
Sound design: Jure Vlahovič
Dramaturgy assistant: Urška Brodar
Head technician: Andrej Petrovčič
Technician: Martin Lovšin
Executive producer: Maja Vižin
Production: Bunker, Ljubljana

 The performance Ich kann nicht anders will be presented within the framework of the performing arts programme “Nagib na oder” 2016/2017. (

Petr Šourek: Maribor – European Capital of tourism 2021 (CZ/SI)

MARIBOR corrupt tour photo by Petr Sourek 3

Photo: Petr Šourek

19 –25 November 2015
pre-festival walk: 19th November at 5.00 pm
festival walks: 23, 24 and 25 November at 5.00 pm
start of walks: under the Old bridge in Maribor

Petr Šourek, also known as philosopher, translator, director, writer and much more, found an ingenious niche: in Prague, a city flooded by millions of tourists, he founded a tourist agency Corrupt tours along with his fellow theatre artists, dealing exclusively with touring successes of corruption, one of the most flourishing cultures of our time.

This unusual tourist offer immediately became a worldwide sensation. And it seemed that Maribor, with its recent history of the reign of Franc Kangler and the (un)fortunate manoeuvrings with EU funds, would be an immense source of inspiration in this field. Šourek delved into it, also in collaboration with high school students, and a staged walk along Maribor’s tourist attractions emerged, guided by Old and New Vine tourist guides, where historical falsehoods intertwine with entertaining tales of financial blunders. The title promises an ironic tour of the city, where nothing is simply what it seems.

GuestRoomMaribor invites you to the Salon of Applied Arts (Glavni trg 1, Maribor) on Tuesday, November 17 at 7 PM for the event ‘Meet the resident: Petr Šourek’, where you will have a chance to meet the artistic director of Corrupt tour, who developed the project within his residential visit to Maribor.

The Project aribor – European Capital of tourism 2021 was created as a co-production of the International network TheatreFit in the frame of the project Urban Heat. More at

Concept, directing: Petr Šourek, Corrupt tour
Executive producer: Katarina Slukan
Production and research assistance: Tajša Perović
Corrupt tour guides: Anja Koleša, Nataša Dover
Help with the research: Konceptualna delavnica Druge gimnazije Maribor, mentorica: Nina Šulin, dijaki/nje: ana Štuhec, Gabriela Štumberger, Lara rubin, Urška Stefanič, Neža Kokol, Gašpar Marinič, Marta Bastovanović, Marina Kanatova, Jernej Imperl
Costumes: Eva Holá
Produced by: Bunker, Ljubljana
Co-produced by: GuestRoomMaribor

The walk is 60 minut long.