Robertina Šebjanič: Neotenous Dark Dwellers (Lygophilia), discussion

August 31, 2018 4:00 pm

Robertina Šebjanič is an intermedia artist, with special focus in recent years on living systems, sound art, and installations of interactive ambient immersive environment. She began her research of proteus and axolotl, as well as the associated art project, at the Summer Lab 2018, organized by Bunker within Imagine 2020 network.

Opening of the Neotenous Dark Dwellers (Lygophilia) project will include a panel discussion where speakers will try to compare Slovene proteus (human fish) and Mexican axolotl, two similar creatures from two different continents, to reveal their common traits (both are endangered species), their biological features, and their cultural appropriation – both animals are also cultural and not only biological phenomena in their environment.


Guests of the panel discussion: Carlos Pascual, Gregor Aljančič, Magdalena Năpăruș-Aljančič, Robertina Šebjanič, Annick Bureaud

Discussion is an introduction to the exhibition opening on August 31st at 7.00 p.m. The exhibition will be open until September 2nd, 2018.


Produced by: Zavod Projekt Atol (Uroš Veber), Arte+Ciencia (UNAM), Zavod Sektor
Supported by: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana


Zavod Sektor,  Arte+Cienca

Families Otherwise

October 9, 2017 5:00 pm

Who in Slovenia can be a parent and who is childless against their will due to legal obstacles? How to render parenthood a social matter, beyond wider blood relations and institutions? How to revolt against the idealisation and essentialisation of motherhood? In what kinds of family forms do we live and what kinds of family forms would we want? We shall be discussing all these questions, despite conservative and liberal standpoints that would dictate their answers to us.

Discussions’s Moderator: Tea Hvala

The discussion will be in english.

Admission free.
Information:, 00 386 51 269 906

Druga godba loves Mali: BAMBA WASSOULOU GROOVE

March 26, 2016 7:00 pm 8:00 pm

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Sogodbe #8 announces 32nd International Druga godba festival with a concert by  BAMBA WASSOULOU GROOVE!

This Easter weekend comes wrapped in vivid colours of Malian dance music – colours that refuse to be dulled by terror attacks or the razor wire of the state. Druga godba’s weapon of choice is music.

As an introduction to the Sogodbe concerts there will be a discussion organized at 7.00 pm in Stara elektrarna, about the musical scene in Mali. Speakers:  Chris Eckman (Glitterbeat), Ibrahim Nouhoum (International African Forum) (more…)


January 19, 2016 6:00 pm

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Dobova, December 2015, photo: Uroš Primožič

Humanity in refugee centers
Round table discussion

The event is part of a series of public events on the topic of migrations entitled MIGRANTS AMONG US, organized by Slovenian Philanthropy and taking place from December 2015 in different locations, with various guests and an open space for discussion

With a round table discussion on the topic of humanity in the refugee centers, we want to open a conversation and establish guidelines for future work with the refugees transiting through Slovenia. Among the guests will be decision makers, refugees and migrants in Slovenia, professionals and volunteers, who will be able to lean on their current and past experience. (more…)

European Perspectives public discussion

November 17, 2014 6:00 pm

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The idea of Europe is being put to a serious test. After a period of an intensive integration, it is facing an economic, social and environmental crisis, as well as a crisis of values. The European Union’s response is a sustainable, smart and inclusive growth. Is this a vision understood and shared by all? (more…)