June 5, 2011 11:00 am

»In 2007 I’ve started by looking at the video work based on Steve Paxton’s iconic 1986 “Goldberg Variations by J. S. Bach, played by Glen Gould, improvised by Steve Paxton”; first copying movement, then focusing on what I saw beyond the moment. Improvising Goldberg has become like a friend I Look forward to spending time with every day.” (more…)


March 12, 2011 - March 15, 2011

Anton Lachky was born in Slovakia in 1982. His pedagogic work served as a basis for him to develop a specific method of dance and movement, which draws its inspiration from Lachky’s ongoing interest in folk dances and folklore. He gave classes all over the world: Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Iceland, Hungary, Armenia, Great Britain, Germany… His dance technique is based on pleasure, which emanates from the act of dancing itself, whereas his teaching approach builds upon the integral body coordination and the surpassing of limitations with regard to movement and temporality. (more…)

Nataša Živković: STILL LIFE

January 26, 2011 8:00 pm

A dance solo in the loop of ballet as a form of movement, still life as a visual form and verse as a mental form. Still Life acts out a withdrawal into stillness. What used to be perceived as excess is from today’s point of view seen as nothing but an aestheticized gesture of submission and pleasure in having been allowed to do so. (more…)


January 28, 2011 8:00 pm

Performance essay. All strategies adopted by Via Negativa in establishing contact with the audience during the 02-08 period will be demonstrated and analysed in two hours time. The performance is based on an essay entitled Izbris gledalca (Erasing the Audience) by Blaž Lukan, PhD. Full version of the essay is published in NE, Via Negativa 2002–2008, Maska Transformacije 2010. (more…)


January 29, 2011 8:00 pm

Three performances interconnected by the Balkan blunt, radical and humorous nature. With reference to the contexts of Joseph Beuys, Marina Abramović and Bojana Kunst, a Croat (Boris Kadin) and a Serb (Kristian Al Droubi) portray their own attitudes towards intellectualization, mystification and impotence of contemporary art. (more…)

Katarina Stegnar: DROP DEAD

January 30, 2011 8:00 pm

Solo performance. Katarina portrays her own death as a profoundly intimate and also an extremely theatrical sensation. Stegn se/Drop Dead is a performance in which everyone must play their part: the performer becomes a corpse, the audience becomes an undertaker and the performance becomes a funeral. (more…)

Goran Bogdanovski: JOHN THE OTHER

February 12, 2011 8:00 pm

John the Other is a solo dance performance about John.

Choreography and realization: Goran Bogdanovski
Creative process: Tomi Janežič

Betontanc & Umka.LV: SHOW YOUR FACE!

December 16, 2010 8:00 pm December 17, 2010 8:00 pm


Ever since its premiere in 2006 Show your face! has managed to bewitch thousands already. It was applauded by elementary and high school students, it received an award at Maribor Theatre Festival, it got standing ovations in The Old Power Station and at numerous guest appearances.

We would like to invite you to come see its last reprises in Slovenia, since the team is to travel to the US in January to enthuse the American audience and critics all the way from New York to Los Angeles. (more…)