Festival EX PONTO

September 16, 2011 - September 25, 2011

The central theme of the 18th EX PONTO International Performing Arts Festival is entitled “The End or the Beginning?”, echoing the question frequently addressed in various sociological and philosophical debates, arising over and over again as a recurring motive for those involved in contemporary and especially performing arts. This very question instigated inner subjective dilemmas, controversy and intergenerational disunity due to various social-political reasons in the beginning of the 1990s. (more…)

Sanja Nešković Peršin: JULIE

September 13, 2011 8:00 pm

based on motifs from Miss Julie by August Strindberg

“Strindberg’s work is a footnote to the performance Julie. Some other content is plastered over implied cliché postures and gestures. The share of the clarified and recapped text without the illustrative is very allotted… The primary plot is veiled; the same goes for the cutting of the coordinates of the plot. For the most part the action happens in hints. Christine’s (Leja Jurišić) snoring as a sign which escapes the stage directions increasingly announces that the whole system of social order functionally wanes. The lapidary summary of the classical play transfers the dramaturgical emphasis elsewhere, yet it does not seem to even attempt to be a somewhat “exemplary modernisation of a classical play” and steps in another interpretative direction. Shifts between not particularly clear meanings come to a surprising turn near the end.”
Primož Jesenko, Dnevnik


September 3, 2011 September 4, 2011

vocal workshop

For singers/vocalists, dancers, actors, performers, and all interested in vocal expression in connection to theatre and folk tradition. Working with voice and singing based on the material of traditional Ukrainian song.
Theatre creates conditions where traditional song can live – traditional song renews the grounds of the theatre: the correlation with space, time, with the word, with each other and with yourself as a gift of individual. (more…)


June 25, 2011 8:00 pm

Solo performance by Marko Mandić, premiere

Actor as a machine for production of emotions, actor as a medium of identification, actor as a body of fascination… In about one hour Marko runs over his body 38 roles (authentic creations from performances he made in the period 1996 – 2010) in order to stage the core of an actor, which is impossible to reduce to the role. (more…)


March 25, 2011 9:15 pm March 27, 2011 7:00 pm

In a helter-skelter celebration, 25 performances from 16 countries will be presented in 5 theatres over 3 days. With 40 partners and associate presenters of the Aerowaves Network, the Spring Forward Festival joins artists, organisers, producers, promoters and dance specialists from 34 counties. Produced by EN-KNAP. (more…)


April 2, 2011 6:00 pm

This evening will consist of two parts: the first part will feature students from the Capoeira Senzala school as they present the development of the Afro-Brazilian art form capoeira from the times of slavery up to the present day. The second part will consist of batizado: a celebration or initiation that allows a capoeira student to establish contact with the more experienced capoeira practitioners and thereby represents their formal entry into the world of capoeira. (more…)

Tina Valentan, Urška Vohar: WHY CAN’T I LEAVE YOU

March 21, 2011 8:00 pm March 22, 2011 8:00 pm March 23, 2011 8:00 pm

Performance Why can’t I leave You tackles the current issue of whether dance as an autonomous cell within a wider arena of performing and audio-visual fields can possibly exist, while it dwells upon (non-)existence of pleasure in dance, revisits a subjectively intimate stance towards dance and deals with the relationship between pleasure and irony. (more…)


April 15, 2011 - April 24, 2011

The 17th Exodos Festival offers a vibrant artistic happening, based on as many as 30 performances: 10 proper festival performances and 20 belonging to the festival focus – Balkan Dance Platform. (more…)

Mateja Bučar: BILA BI PALMA

April 26, 2011 8:00 pm

contemporary dance performance

The perversion of faith named reality could be seen as a flow of various interpretations and creations of the human mind. Bila bi palma represents a dream about the travel into an exotic world, about something else and something different, about the life one dreams of while being confronted with motionless, stillness and the dwelling limited to one single place. It is within this experiential framework that we are trying to find a way to bring dreams and reality closer together.