Leja Jurišić, Teja Reba: THE SECOND FREEDOM

November 22, 2013 8:00 pm November 23, 2013 8:00 pm November 24, 2013 8:00 pm

Photo: Nada Žgank

“In The Second Freedom the authors paste together some motives from their previous solo and co-authored pieces and then develop them in an experimental manner, without obsessing excessively about the exact dramaturgical limits of the performance. In this diversity of roles, images and transformations the potential for reflection and self-reflection arises and we see it run smoothly during the performance itself. (more…)


November 28, 2013 8:00 pm November 29, 2013 8:00 pm November 30, 2013 8:00 pm

Bitnamuun_foto_Ines SimunicPhoto: Ines Simunić

“How to eat with open mouth?”
“Is the door the backside of space?”

“Is it possible to find safety in the space of Fear?”

Experimental performance of the movement collective Bitnamuun explores spaces in between. It is interested in spaces and states “in the midst of”. More precisely, it is interested in the ethics of movement between outside and inside, between one and the other side of the border, between the ceiling and the floor, between a “yes” and a “no”. (more…)

Fičo Balet: PARODOS

December 4, 2013 8:00 pm December 5, 2013 8:00 pm

Photo: Peter Uhan

“Parodos – the arrival of the antique urban choir on stage. What can be so important that the audience simply must see it, hear it and experience it?” (Goran Bogdanovski) (more…)


February 13, 2013 8:00 pm February 14, 2013 8:00 pm

Premiered on the first round of presidential elections in Slovenia, the third consecutive performance in the series entitled Unsolvable reveals just how very lucky we are to live in democracy. (more…)

6th festival GIBANICA – Slovene contemporary dance platform

February 21, 2013 6:30 pm 10:00 pm February 22, 2013 10:00 pm February 23, 2013 8:00 pm

Gibanica has been presenting the best Slovenian contemporary dance production in a biennial form ever since 2003. This year’s performances were elected by a jury composed of three members: Mateja Bučar, Pia Brezavšček and Klaus Ludwig. (more…)

2013 SVŠGL’s Evening of Soli

May 15, 2013 7:00 pm

Besides the Pre-premiere, the final dance production of all four classes of the Early Childhood Education High School and Gymnasium Ljubljana – Art Gymnasium, this year we present authorial soli by the High School graduates of the Dance Department. Preparing solo choreographies the graduates autonomously explore a chosen topic and develop individual choreographic approaches. This years’ topic is inspired by Virginia Woolf’s work A Room of One’s Own.
Production: Emanat, SVŠGL

Fičo Balet: PARODOS

May 29, 2013 8:00 pm May 30, 2013 8:00 pm June 5, 2013 8:00 pm June 6, 2013 8:00 pm

dance performance

Parodos – an ancient urban chorus enters the stage. What is so important that the audience has to see, hear and experience it?  (more…)

Leja Jurišić, Teja Reba: THE SECOND FREEDOM

June 13, 2013 8:00 pm June 14, 2013 8:00 pm June 15, 2013 8:00 pm

Freedom is a violent project breaking away, with the constant risk of falling back under the sway of a power as securing as it is stifling. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. If you want to save Peru, go and save Peru.We should never wear stockings or underclothes because it is important to breathe freely. (more…)

VN LAB – Laboratory for contemporary performing arts

June 21, 2013 - June 23, 2013

January – June 2013, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

VN Lab is Via Negativa laboratory for performing led by Via Negativa artistic and theatre director Bojan Jablanovec and Via Negativa performers Katarina Stegnar and Grega Zorc. The laboratory will run from January to June 2013 as a series of 6 workshops connected into a continuous creative process. (more…)

Maja M. Workman: VIRTUAL TRUTH

September 7, 2013 8:00 pm September 8, 2013 8:00 pm September 9, 2013 8:00 pm

Photo: Boštjan Eder
The woman depicted in the performance is relatively free and educated, but at the same time also limited within her undefined search for the meaning of her own existence. The expectations and aggressions she has to deal with on a daily basis may indeed be triggered by the environment, but she is nevertheless herself responsible for providing an answer of some sort, which is why the pressure never drops. (more…)