Ready to Change International Conference: NEW POLITICAL MYTHOLOGIES AND ART

banner-RTC-16 (3) mala ready to Change Mark Twain’s quote “never let the truth get in the way of a good story” has its dark side. Cognitive science is increasingly establishing that facts don’t necessarily affect our perception of reality. Translating this into the language of mythology, one could say that myths are impervious to the negating and exposing power of fact, no matter how irrefutable.

The greatest myths of our time are those of the omnipotence of capital, the impossibility of true democracy, of irreconcilable differences between us and them, myths of the divinity of the nation-state, not least myths claiming change is impossible, that passivity and chaos are the order of the day. (more…)

Ready to Change: Rethinking the Relationship between Artists and Communities, conference

April 22, 2015 April 23, 2015

letak ang - CopyThe tight relationship between different communities and artistic production is as old as art itself. Artists have worked in them, with them and for them. Because of the everchanging meanings and relationship, we can look at this specific relation from different perspectives but in this edition of the conference, we have put a strong emphasis on participatory artistic approaches that involve communities directly. (more…)