Sparks presenting: Fourklor: JUST HANGING AROUND

November 6, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Tit Filipovič

By making a significant step away from the traditional circus years ago, the contemporary circus has constituted itself as a cultural phenomenon of the new era. It was more than ten years ago when the group Fourklor first started flirting with contemporary circus and with the air disciplines in particular. (more…)

CirkoBalkana: OLDNESS

November 4, 2014 6:00 pm

Alone, in a world of her own – a world of memories, a world of craziness, hallucinations and an occasional welcomed or unwelcomed visitor – the old lady relives her youth, the happy moments together with the great tragedies of her life. Six circus artist will be portraying the vision of how she faces those memories in their new piece named Oldness. (more…)

My!Laika & Los Santos: KABARET DEKALÈ

September 10, 2014 8:00 pm

What happens in the mind of a man in the last 5 seconds of his life?
And what dreams a cat?

The company My!Laika and their guests Los Santos, for one moment cease trying to understand the world and decide to withdraw the incomprehensible in order to create their own quixotic universe. (more…)