Simone Aughterlony & Phil Hayes: SHOW & TELL (DE/CH/GB)

October 6, 2016 8:00 pm

Show-And-Tell_1malaPhoto: archive of City of Women Association

„Show and Tell“ sets up an experiment that challenges the  fragile relationship between what is said and what is done. Phil Hayes and Simone Aughterlony consider the supposed  pecking order between these two modes of communication and  establish  a dialogical practice whereby sensing and sense  making have equal status. (more…)

Simone Aughterlony & Nic Lloyd: AFTER LIFE (DE/CH/GB)

October 7, 2016 9:00 pm

After_Life_1mala-e1474637415139.jpg (497×180)
Photo: archive of City of Women Association

“After Life” is the second duo in a trilogy that  marks the biography of a body by means of existential states: its presence in flesh and  blood, post mortem and in view of im/possible futures.
In “After Life”, the performers appear as obfuscated post bodies that hover and  haunt what is literally the other side of the spatial design where  the first duo “Show and Tell” played out. (more…)

Simone Aughterlony & Hahn Rowe: BIOFICTION (DE/CH/US)

October 9, 2016 8:00 pm

biofiction malaPhoto: archive of City of Women Association

Biofiction is a rare love story between many, an unexpected clearing on a wilderness that offers a close-up on human and non-human assemblages and their affects. Situated within an inquiry into vibrant matter, a choreographic poem emerges that is both careful and utterly libidinal. (more…)

Ana Dubljević & Milan Marković Matthis: STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER (RS)

October 12, 2016
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Strawberry Fields Forever malaPhoto: archive of City of Women Association

A short piece about the other side of European cultural identity

 What are the values we aspire to in Europe today? What is it that brings these twenty- eight different countries, numerous languages, religions and spaces of cultural heritage together? (more…)

Milan & Nina Marković Matthis: A LETTER TO HASEEBA (SE/RS)

October 12, 2016
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

A Latter to Haseeba1 malaPhoto: archive of City of Women Association

Short piece about the European dream of the Other.

Nina Markovič Matthis, a Swedish, and Haseeba Kareya, a Syrian refugee, exchange a series of letters during Haseeba’s escape from the war-torn country. (more…)

Tania El Khoury: GARDENS SPEAK (LB/GB)

October 12, 2016 - October 16, 2016

jessehunniford-gardenspeak malaPhoto: archive of City of Women Association

Wednesday, October 12th – Friday, October 15th
4 pm – 8 pm (every 60 min)
Saturday, October 15th – Sunday, October 16th
11 am – 6 pm (every 60 min)

Gardens Speak is an interactive sound installation (more…)

Via Negativa: THE NINTH

October 22, 2016 8:00 pm October 23, 2016 8:00 pm

via_negativa_the_ninth 5 foto Marcandrea malaPhoto: Marcandrea


“The taming of man has failed”, says Peter Sloterdijk. “Civilisation’s potential for barbarism is growing; the everyday bestialisation of man is on the increase.”

The Ninth strolls through the entire sound landscape of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9. On the one side there is a “masterpiece of the western civilization:”Giant and complex.” “Sublime.” “Striking example of human spirit.” “Triumphant vision of brotherhood.” (more…)


November 4, 2016 - November 6, 2016

MAD_1078Photo: Marcandrea

28. 10. 2016, 8am – 10.00am Lab (closed group)
4.11.2016, 8pm, premiere
5.11.2016, 9pm
6.11.2016, 8pm

The Greek word poíesis, which had been gradually migrating into the literary field , only to end up as a label for the art of poetry, signified handicraft in the classical era of Greek antiquity: a manufacturing that implied certain skill, dexterity, or technē. (more…)

Pekinpah’s performative exhibition with premiere of Ana Romih: MEET, MEAT OR EAT HER HAPPINESS

November 16, 2016 8:00 pm November 17, 2016 8:00 pm

Ana Romih foto by Matija Lukić 2

Photo: Matija Lukić 


6 pm
VIDEO INSTALATIONS SECTION: Leja Jurišić & Petra Veber: I Fear Slovenia; Mala Kline: Geneza; Matej Kejžar: Bela; Silence: Musical Accompaniment for the End of the World; Simon Bregar, Eva Garibaldi, Lin Gerkman, Jakob Koncut, Tjaša Mužina: Utopia by Design Manifesto
MUSIC SECTION:  Silence: music selection of unreleased and rare recordingsPostavitev: Petra Veber (more…)


November 19, 2016 8:00 pm November 20, 2016 8:00 pm

beton ltd ich kann nicht anders foto by toni soprano 4 malaPhoto: Toni Soprano

November 19th and 20st at 8.00 pm
Sports Club Tabor hall (Tabor 13)

The bridge between being principled and practical is called survival. In theatre, we always use stories to be able to talk about the world, we play roles to be able to speak of human nature, and we pretend that a table is a table. (more…)