January 22, 2016 8:00 pm January 23, 2016 8:00 pm January 24, 2016 8:00 pm


Sara Lucu and Andrej Kurent

If we can find the petty bourgeois in any way similar to us or to our fellow inhabitants of today’s world, it is perhaps in the constant burdening of humankind with the lack of content or the inability to express the content that would be accepted as we would like both in the immediate and in the wider environment. Therefore, we try to cover this non-content by expressing false views and with a worldview that is not really ours, but serves to avoid saying what we really think and what we really feel, as we thereby run the risk of being banished from the safe embrace of our society. Maintaining our reputation. Maintaining our image. Maintaining our impression. Feeding the ego that feeds on our true self. What remains in the end? Emptiness, again. Grim, grim, grim.  (more…)


May 25, 2016 7:00 pm 7:00 pm May 26, 2016 7:00 pm 7:00 pm

TejaReba  Made With Love Stara  elektrarnaphoto: Miha Fras

The life of a family and a mother is problematised mainly from the standpoint of the contemporary precarious working conditions, which erase the difference between work (social) and private life. If the family sphere is included in work, can its products therefore be socially and economically valued? How much is a child worth? What is the economic value of giving birth? And what is the economic value generated by an artwork? (more…)

THE ASPECT OF WOMAN, International Conference

May 26, 2016
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
May 27, 2016
9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Irina Rahovsky Kralj_ Saša Pavček_2003 malaauthor of the picture: Irina Rahovsky Kralj

Critical rethinking of the complementary roles and appearances of woman – female, who refused to remain solely the other sex and appeared in the context of visual culture throughout the past century as critical and provocative subject, challenging possibilities and limitations in the world of the first sex, is the main theme of the two day conference on “The Aspect of Woman”. The conference is an integral part of an ongoing project “Artistic Creativity of Women from the 19th Century to the Present Time” and is the first in line of the periodically scheduled events in the course of the following years. (more…)

32nd international festival Druga godba 2016: MAGNETIC ENSEMBLE

May 28, 2016 10:00 pm

Magnetic Ensemble mala

photo: archive of Druga godba

Magnetic Ensemble, brilliant fanatics led by Antonin Leymarie, create the atmosphere of an ideal discotheque. The beatboxing, usually pre-recorded, is performed live! The result: minimalistic instrumental techno music that shakes the dance floor in a surreal way.


Premiere of the documentary movie Transgender life in Slovenia

June 29, 2016 8:00 pm

Film-pritličje-mala22Photo: Institute TransAkcija and Pritlicje 

The documentary movie Transgender life in Slovenia, which is a presentation of 10 transgender and gender variant persons from various locations in the country, portrays diverse experiences regarding one’s gender identity and the stance of being a transgender person in Slovene society. The movie will contribute to awareness raising about transgender persons in Slovenia, and mostly increase visibility and legitimization of both out and non-out transgender persons. (more…)


June 7, 2016 8:00 pm June 8, 2016 8:00 pm June 9, 2016 8:00 pm

sandi jesenik foto jakob jurkošek mala

Photo: Jakob Jurkošek

The performance author Sandi Jesenik, Master student of Dramaturgy at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, will make his debut with a full-length drama developed at the academies in Ljubljana and Zagreb. The protagonist, I, is faced with everyday life and destruction forced upon him by society. It is a drama about the struggle of a man, about the search for sexual identity, self-esteem, desire to live, and about how to change hell on earth into paradise. (more…)

Leo Bassi (Italy/Spain): BOB / The Best of Bassi

June 15, 2016 8:00 pm

BOB cartel con margenmala

Photo: from personal archive of Leo Bassi

In addition to Jang Edwards and, of course, Slava Polunin, legendary artist Leo Bassi is considered one of the three main protagonists of the Nouveau Clown concept.

He is not only a TV personality, continuously confronting us with provocation, he is also a purebred comedian, a classic clown and an actor striving for a different comedy, explosive and dark, provocative and ungraspable. This outrageous warrior of the army of endless laughter turned to provocation as his only weapon of survival, helping him to face personal challenges which are almost infinite, helping him to overcome every obstacle, as impossible or inconvenient as it may appear. (more…)


prisega_kitch mala

Photo: Kitch

Dreams are allowed tonight. Tomorrow is a new day.
What happens when two Balkan natives take this fact dead serious? Welcome to our kafana, and let the party begin!

Lana Zdravković, Nenad Jelesijević – hosts
Teja Drobnjak, Evin Hadžialjević, Sara Janašković, Eva Lah, Tanja Sabol – dancers
Gal Oblak, Žan Mrhar – waiters (more…)

Mare Bulc + performers: ALL TOGETHER NOW!

June 23, 2016 9:00 pm

Photo: Nada Žgank

The last reprise of the performance!

“… a performance not to be missed. “  – Irena Štaudohar, Delo, Sobotna priloga

A theatre-music project with musicians as performers. At the beginning of the process, director has faced his collaborators with the following formula: the state is a music band, an inhabitant of the state is a musician, and migration from one state to another is like migration of a musician from one band to another. Through a process of improvisation and rehearsals, the creators have been examining the premise that the political, economic, emotional and other kinds of migrations could be “talked about” through the migration of musicians. The project “theatrises” the musical material (more…)


June 27, 2016 9:00 am - July 1, 2016 7:00 pm

PPŠ photo by Ana Straže (2) malaPhoto: Ana Straže

Summer Dance School, which was held in Ljubljana from 1979 to 1997, had a significant impact on the development of Slovenian dance scene. The aim of restoring this important educational format is to provide a variety of dancing opportunities for all age groups and to unite the dancers and dance schools into the dynamic Pan-Slovenian dance community. (more…)