April 12, 2016 9:00 pm April 13, 2016 9:00 pm

prisega_kitch mala

Photo: Kitch

Tonight, dreams are allowed. Tomorrow is a new day.
What happens when two newcomers from the Balkans take this epic wisdom dead serious?

The Oath will give you all, yet demanding nothing from you.

Welcome to our kafana, and let the party start!


Institute for Labour Studies: YEAR 19, lectures

IDŠ 19 letnik mala

Year 19: Productivity

The Old Power Station in Ljubljana has traditionally hosted lectures by the Institute for Labour Studies. This will be the 19th year of the lectures, this time on the topic of productivity. Until the end of April, the lectures will be held every Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Union Hall (Sindikalna dvorana) by the Old Power Station.The speakers will include, among others: David Harvie, Chris O’Kane, Benjamin Noys, Christoph Henning, Tibor Rutar, Primož Krašovec, Urban Sušnik, Samo Tomšič, Lea Kuhar, Uroš Kranjc, Simon Hajdini(more…)

Balladero: PERFECT YOU

April 15, 2016 8:00 pm

Balladero photo by Jani Ugrin mala

Foto: Jani Ugrin

Balladero is returning to musical stages with the promotional concert for of his new CD titled Balladero Perfect You. With his new album Balladero pursues his ambitious musical journey, already designated as a unique phenomenon on the Slovenian musical scene with his debut album Club Deuce. An honest, dedicated stage performance that keeps intertwining an intimate expression of the lyrics with an intensive, passionate and carefully polished background sound of the band that doesn’t leave anyone indifferent. (more…)


April 19, 2016 8:00 pm April 20, 2016 8:00 pm

Matija Ferlin: Staging a Play: Steklena mena¸erija, plesna predstava (Koncept in re¸ija: Matija Ferlin Izvedba in koreografija: Loup Abramovici, Anja Born¨ek, Maja Delak, Matija Ferlin, ´igan Krajn?an, Dramaturgija: Goran Fer?ec, Scenografija: Mauricio Ferlin, Glasba: Luka Prin?i?...), Stara elektrarna, dec.20105, EmanatPhoto: Nada Žgank

In his new creation Staging a Play: The Glass Menagerie, Matija Ferlin continues to mine the interzone between the abstracted dancing body and the conventions of the theatrical. For the first time Ferlin works from a source text, The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, a play belonging to the theatrical cannon. When using a dramatic text as a source, the speech act is usually understood as the dominant signifier in the performing code. (more…)


April 21, 2016 8:00 pm

Malome¨?anaska svatba - Bertold Brecht

photo: Željko Stevanić – IFP and Archive CTF UL AGRFT

If we can find the petty bourgeois in any way similar to us or to our fellow inhabitants of today’s world, it is perhaps in the constant burdening of humankind with the lack of content or the inability to express the content that would be accepted as we would like both in the immediate and in the wider environment. Therefore, we try to cover this non-content by expressing false views and with a worldview that is not really ours, but serves to avoid saying what we really think and what we really feel, as we thereby run the risk of being banished from the safe embrace of our society. Maintaining our reputation. Maintaining our image. Maintaining our impression. Feeding the ego that feeds on our true self. What remains in the end? Emptiness, again. Grim, grim, grim. (more…)

May Day School 2016: Religion and Capitalism

April 27, 2016 12:00 pm - April 30, 2016 7:00 pm

plakat mali

May Day School 2016 will reopen the questions of religion, critique of religion, its role and pertinence in contemporary society, its interaction with capitalism and critique thereof. We will attempt to cover a range of topics and questions at various levels of abstraction: from general rethinking of relation between capitalism and religions as two principles of organisation of society, in their conflicts and affinities, to the attempts to confront the more manifest and pressing contemporary issues, such as tension between feminism and religious upsurge, or the precise role of Islamic religion in the structure of conflict(s) in the Middle East. (more…)

IF YOU ARE HAPPY, anticelebration

May 6, 2016 8:00 pm May 7, 2016 8:00 pm
Photo: Nada Žgank & Tina Kosec

The repetitive children’s song that was being diligently taught in kindergartens and primary schools, around the time when the idea of liberalism was being born in the collapsing Yugoslavia. I still remember how I tried to “shout my hurray” and create a feeling of that happiness, one of the first indoctrinations of the new, post-socialist ideology. (more…)


May 13, 2016 9:00 pm May 14, 2016 9:00 pm

prisega_kitch mala

Photo: Kitch

Tonight, dreams are allowed. Tomorrow is a new day.
What happens when two newcomers from the Balkans take this epic wisdom dead serious?

The Oath will give you all, yet demanding nothing from you.

Welcome to our kafana, and let the party start!



January 19, 2016 6:00 pm

IMG_4383_Dobova_dec2015_Uros-Primozic mala

Dobova, December 2015, photo: Uroš Primožič

Humanity in refugee centers
Round table discussion

The event is part of a series of public events on the topic of migrations entitled MIGRANTS AMONG US, organized by Slovenian Philanthropy and taking place from December 2015 in different locations, with various guests and an open space for discussion

With a round table discussion on the topic of humanity in the refugee centers, we want to open a conversation and establish guidelines for future work with the refugees transiting through Slovenia. Among the guests will be decision makers, refugees and migrants in Slovenia, professionals and volunteers, who will be able to lean on their current and past experience. (more…)

A Concert by Alenja Pivko Kneževič and Simon Penšek

May 21, 2016 8:00 pm

Stara mestna elektrarnaPhoto: Nada Žgank

We are inviting you to the final concert on the occassion of completion of masters degree studies by Alenja Pivka Kneževič and Simon Penšek in the Old Power Station, under the mentorship of Uros Rajko, a composer and a professor at the Academy of Music.

Alenja Pivko Kneževič:

  • Fauty Side of the Rainbow (the accordion duo)
  • Spillovers (chamber ensemble)
  • Liquid Glitch (the accordion)
  • Plazma III / lyrics: Tone Peršak / (piano duo, violas)
  • Blush (chamber ensemble)

Simon Penšek:

  • Acid Drops (the accordion with live electronics)
  • Go Fudge Yourself (chamber ensemble)
  • Pianoscape I (electronics)
  • Khroma Ki (chamber ensemble)
  • Now I Am Become Death (the accordion duo with electronics)

Visuals: duo Izland, music after the concert by: DJ artist Some1Else.

Conductor: Iztok Kocen
Performing: Mirko Jevtović, Nejc Grm, Vanja Kojić, Ana Anderlič, Nina Rupnik, Petra Vidmar, Tilen Lebar, Ingrid Mačus, Tadeja Žele, Jelena Škvorc, Srđan Prodanović

Free entrance.
Information and ticket reservation: