Sparks presenting: Fourklor: JUST HANGING AROUND

November 6, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Tit Filipovič

By making a significant step away from the traditional circus years ago, the contemporary circus has constituted itself as a cultural phenomenon of the new era. It was more than ten years ago when the group Fourklor first started flirting with contemporary circus and with the air disciplines in particular. (more…)

CirkoBalkana: OLDNESS

November 4, 2014 6:00 pm

Alone, in a world of her own – a world of memories, a world of craziness, hallucinations and an occasional welcomed or unwelcomed visitor – the old lady relives her youth, the happy moments together with the great tragedies of her life. Six circus artist will be portraying the vision of how she faces those memories in their new piece named Oldness. (more…)

Balkan Express Network and IETM Autumn Plenary Meeting, Sofia (Bulgaria)

IETM (international network for contemporary performing arts) Plenary Meeting (16 – 19 October 2014) will gather performing artists and professionals from all around the world to address the vital issues of today and shape the strategies of tomorrow. New sustainable models in the cultural sector, measuring the impact of artistic practices, reinforcement of connections with the audiences, mobility of artists – these and other topics will be at the heart of the discussions. The meeting will also offer a unique opportunity to get to know the Bulgarian contemporary arts scene.

Prior to the ETM Plenary Meeting on 15th October, there will be a meeting of the Balkan Express Network. Balkan Express is a platform that connects people interested in collaboration in and with the Balkans involved in contemporary art and complementary socially engaged practices. It gives space for reflection on the new roles of contemporary arts in a changing political and social environment. Balkan Express meeting in Sofia will focus on the theme of trans sectorial collaborations and will present good practices of synergies that show how to effectively and practically break down barriers between sectors and make creative and unexpected alliances that actually work.

More information:


October 24, 2014 8:00 pm October 25, 2014 8:00 pm October 26, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Nada Žgank

The premiere of Track of the World leaves the audience completely mesmerized: Betontanc has returned to its roots, to physical theatre once again! Not that fascination with movement, sport and choreography, so characteristic of Matjaž Pograjc, has ever disappeared, but the aspect of corporeal mastery or physical work once again takes the central stage in Track of the World. (more…)

20th International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women

October 4, 2014 7:00 pm October 6, 2014 10:00 am 10:00 pm October 7, 2014 10:00 am October 9, 2014 8:00 pm

This year’s trans-disciplinary festival under the title Survival Tactics will focus on the circumstances and the working conditions of artists, the precariously employed and the self-employed in the world of arts and culture, who are confronted with ever-more harsh conditions of artistic production.


Torres Vedras and Hamburg are hosting Katarina Stegnar`s performance DOUBLE GAME

Photo: Nada Žgank

3rd October 2014, Transforma, Torres Vedras, Portugal
11th October 2014, Kampnagel, Hamburg, Germany

Katarina Stegnar is an actress, a dancer, a performer and also an author. She is a member of the collectives Betontanc, Via Negativa in Beton Ltd. The range of her creative work is extremely broad, as the essential arena of her creative activity, the theatre, expands well beyond the stage, all the way to curating and film acting. (more…)

OPEN HOUSE SLOVENIA, guided tour of Stara elektrarna

October 4, 2014 4:00 pm

Mladi levi; Odprtje festivala (Re¸ija: Beton Ltd.; Nastopajo?i: Irena Preda, Polona Jane¸i?, Matija Dolenc, Jaka Berger, Uro¨ Kaurin, Toma¸ Grom, Primo¸ Bezjak, Branko Jordan, Katarina Stegnar, Jelena Rusjan, Tina Peri?, Kristina Gorovska, Grega Zorc, Vito Weis, Leja Juri¨i?, Teja Reba, Boris Benko, Primo¸ Hladnik, Igor Vi?enti?), Stara mestna elektrarna, 23.8.2014Photo: Nada Žgank

Open House Slovenia (OHS) is an initiative that aims to raise the awareness of architecture and urban space in order to improve the quality of life. The emphasis of the event is showcasing high quality contemporary Slovenian architecture, innovative solutions, adaptation to the environment, flexibility of the building, and sustainable construction. (more…)

WaxFactory: #aspellforfainting

October 29, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: James R. Moore

A brand new ensemble work for a solo performer/PJ, a sound artist/DJ and a video artist/VJ, #aspellforfainting is an improvisational piece, created anew for each performance by using disparate textual sources (more…)

Sparks presenting: VN LAB 2014, public production

September 25, 2014 8:00 pm

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The working theme of this year’s VN Lab is “power”. To be more precise: it is the instinct-urgency-need triangle that constantly drives us to “build up” our personal position of power. And it’s not just about power with ideological connotations here – ideology is nothing but a form of power representation – it’s about that very type of power that comes to life in Darwinist determinism and functions as a precondition of every ideology, skilfully exploited by every social system thus far. (more…)

Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik: Time Body Trio

September 29, 2014 6:00 pm September 30, 2014 6:00 pm

Photo: Nada Žgank

I know what time it is all the time, yet still I get lost in time all the time.
My day is split into hundreds of tiny units,
as I go around doing different stuff, thinking different thoughts. (more…)