November 16, 2014 8:14 pm


We’re in 2014 & the Earth is flat once again

An independent art project by a young painter and designer at the 100th anniversary of the WW1 demonstrates a futuristic concept that applies a critical perspective to various levels of the present-day society, which represents the final component of the degenerated human history and its absurdity. (more…)

Društvo študentov invalidov Slovenije: MOVE.ING

November 13, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Nastija Fijolič

A dance performance with a flavour of dramaturgical inserts under the direction of Boris Cavazza, music production by Damir Avdić and costumes by Tina Kolenik. The title suggests the difficult search for balance between the movement of the artist and that of an invalid. (more…)

Wanda & Nova deViator: ARP 339

January 22, 2015 8:00 pm January 23, 2015 8:00 pm

wndw_arp339 - CopyPhoto: Luka Prinčič

Music-dance performance ARP 339 is a sonogram of cyberfuturistic potentiality. Instead of being caught in a concert format, though reminiscent of it, ARP 339 springs from all directions at once. The performance is an attempt at constructing a utopian world that explores the decomposition of spatial limitations of the three-dimensional reality, introducing into it the elements of time and mental leaps. (more…)


January 29, 2015 7:00 pm

BioFiction_foto1_BioFaction KG - CopyPhoto:BioFaction KG

A selection of awarded international short films on how synthetic biology, bio-art and society may come to intertwine.

Synthetic biology is a new and promising approach in the biotechnology field, which produces and re-transcribes DNA structures in order to push the functioning of microbial and animal cells closer to human needs and desires. (more…)


February 1, 2015 8:00 pm

Betontanc: Pista sveta (Koncept, re¸ija: Matja¸ Pograjc; Koncept, izvedba: Primo¸ Bezjak, Branko Jordan, Branko Poto?an, Katarina Stegnar, Vito Weis), Stara elektrarna, 26.8.2014, Mladi leviPhoto: Nada Žgank

The narrative setting of the performance makes it almost a detective story, revolving around the mystery of a dead cyclist, but this format is only meant to serve as an arena in which to explore the alternate routes that question the meaning of sport and its intimate, media, financial, doping and extremist connotations, suggesting that sport (more…)

Betontanc & SHOW YOUR FACE!

February 6, 2015 8:00 pm February 7, 2015 8:00 pm

SYF_urška boljkovac (3) - CopyPhoto: Urška Boljkovac

A virtuosic performance of puppetry, theatre, dance, and live music that examines the effects of courage (or lack thereof) throughout the 20th century. (more…)

Slovenian Percussion Project: OFFICE, premiere

November 11, 2014 8:00 pm

The percussion ensemble Slovenski tolkalni projekt (SToP), was founded in 1999. StoP is a unique ensemble composed entirely of academically educated musicians. The group members wanted to unite chamber music, exploitation of new instruments, music and sound, and, of course, a joy to have fun!  (more…)

Blažka Müller Pograjc: AMOR OMNIA VINCIT* (based on the literary material by Per Olov Enquist entitled The Book About Blanche and Marie, Beletrina Publishing House)

November 8, 2014 8:00 pm November 9, 2014 8:00 pm

Photo: Borut Peterlin

This poetic and yet rather cruel story, which Matjaž Pograjc likes to call a magic physical performance, is fragmented and functions on several different levels. The narrative here and now consists of a story about Marie Curie’s love episode, which leads us to Blanche Wittman’s and Jane Avril’s past. (more…)

3C 4 Incubators Final Conference, Rome

On the 6th of November 2014 the project Culture, Creative and Clusters for Incubators (3C 4 Incubators will be concluding with the Final conference titled How to Enhance Your Creativity?, where the project results will be presented through thematic roundtable discussions: Business Model Reinforcement, Networking Setup and Institution Attraction.

More information: