Branko Potočan: MANNERSACHE

June 1, 2010 8:00 pm


The performance Mannersache had its premiere staging in September 2009 at an international festival »Miasto« in the city Legnica in Poland, whereas its premiere on home soil and further reprises took place in Riga, Latvia, in October 2009. (more…)

Gregor Kamnikar & Marjeta Kamnikar: M (version 2.2)

June 9, 2010 9:00 pm June 10, 2010 9:00 pm


premiere of the documentary performance

A mother and a son make a performance. Which itself doesn’t speak of the mother much. Or of the son. Or of their relation. Or of the mother’s performing debut in her seventies. There is actually not much talking going on anywhere in the performance. There is, however, a lot going on. And it has to do with identity-as-flow, with the »« principle, with the hologram-patterned dramaturgy and discrete art. (more…)

Mateja Bučar: BILA BI PALMA

March 5, 2010 8:00 pm March 6, 2010 8:00 pm March 7, 2010 8:00 pm

contemporary dance performance

The perversion of faith named reality could be seen as a flow of various interpretations and creations of the human mind. Bila bi palma represents a dream about the travel into an exotic world, about something else and something different, about the life one dreams of while being confronted with motionless, stillness and the dwelling limited to one single place. It is within this experiential framework that we are trying to find a way to bring dreams and reality closer together.

Mala Kline: THE END

March 11, 2010 8:00 pm March 12, 2010 8:00 pm March 13, 2010 8:00 pm


“THE END is a performance about us both: You playing the role of a spectator and Me playing the role of a performer. It is a performance about our encounter within the theatre – at the very end of the world. Only one law applies within the walls of a theatre: the Law of artistic madness. Under it, the theater becomes a space of freedom. This is why this performance pushes the limits of theatre, reason, judgment, and embodies madness turning things upside-down while holding expectations of the unexpected. This performance is nothing but an exercise in presence, nonsense, mistakes and laughter. Last but not least, this performance is a topsy-turvy dance in which we both take part in.” Mala Kline (more…)

Students of SVŠGL: PREDPREMIERA ’10: Opazovati in/ali opazovano

March 16, 2010 7:00 pm March 17, 2010 7:00 pm March 18, 2010 7:00 pm

The dance project Pred-premiera is an annual final presentation of graduates and other students of the dance highschool SVŠGL – the contemporary dance module, under the tutelage of their mentors, recognized Slovene individuals within the contemporary Slovene dance.
This year’s theme To see and/or be seen relates to the third essay from the book Ways of Seeing, written by John Berger. The students will thus undertake a research in the roles of “the one who sees” and “the one who is seen”, taking them as integral, but always separate parts of a given identity. (more…)

Leja Jurišić, Teja Reba: MED NAMA

February 3, 2010 8:00 pm February 4, 2010 8:00 pm


»The performance Med nama, created and performed by Teja Reba and Leja Jurišić is a truly refreshing breeze on Slovene stages: it brought them humour, imagination and reflexion in a package, which can neither be designated as entertaining, dull or fatalistic. It is just the right mixture of all those things.« (more…)