Leja Jurišić, Teja Reba: MED NAMI

November 20, 2009 8:00 pm November 21, 2009 6:00 pm November 22, 2009 8:00 pm


Authors, choreographers, performers: Leja Jurišić, Teja Reba
Co-workers: Žiga Predan, Janez Janša, Žiga Kariž, Andrej Žumbergar
Production: Zavod Exodos Ljubljana
Co-production: KINK Pekinpah, MASKA, Zavod Bunker, Gledališče Glej, Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Partners: Pa-f

Betontanc&Umka.lv: SHOW YOUR FACE!

November 27, 2009 8:00 pm November 28, 2009 8:00 pm


»This is a performance about a man without a face. It is based on a 20th Century study of Latvian and Slovene history, of disappeared people, of people without names, passports or identities. This is a puppet performance, a musical, a concert, a mini opera, a cartoon and a movie, if you like.« Matjaž Pograjc (more…)

Festival Animateka in Katalena

December 9, 2009 10:00 pm

audio-visual concert

The Association 2 reels joined forces with the music group Katalena this time, famous for its revivals of folk songs. This way both of them use their own respective techniques and artistic purposes in order to melt the stories, which reside in a treasure-box of our cultural heritage, into an audio-visual concert. The songs performed by the group Katalena are meant to provide inspiration for animated backgrounds as a visual element and for the folk material to be interpreted anew. (more…)


December 11, 2009 8:00 pm December 12, 2009 8:00 pm December 13, 2009 8:00 pm

When we become aware of the fact that the point of our self-fulfilment has been achieved, when we rise above ourselves and see the meaning of life in its fullness, when we step out of the game and watch its course from the side only. (more…)

Tina Dobaj Eder and Gregor Kamnikar: KAPITAL

September 28, 2009 8:00 pm September 29, 2009 8:00 pm September 30, 2009 8:00 pm

Kapital will be choreographed, performed and thus conceived by two of us, Tina and Gregor, together. Since each of us will be several, there will be quite a crowd. Here we will have made use of everything that will come within range, what is closest as well as farthest away. The elements of dance will circulate like goods, like a person that plunges deep into itself only to surface up easier. We will assign clever pseudonyms to prevent recognition in this circulation. Why then we will keep our own names? Out of habit, purely out of habit. To make ourselves unrecognizable in turn. (more…)

Ljubo Đurković: KASANDRA

September 15, 2009 8:00 pm September 16, 2009 8:00 pm

Cassandra, the ancient prophetess whom cursed Apollo by to always be right but never be believed, has been reborn in a new and contemporary context by Ljubo Đurković. The drama is related to a prophecy, and the initiative behind it was an actual event from 2006 when the author, director, producer and an actor had their fortunes revealed. The idea of a theatre performance matured for three years, and now the limelight is directed upon four characters that face their own private hell hoping to purify and wash away their pain or at least appease themselves, and therefore relieve their suffering as well as get their wishes. (more…)

Hermann Fritzl, Hubsi Kramar: PENSION F.

September 18, 2009 8:00 pm September 19, 2009 8:00 pm

Josef Fritzl held his daughter captive for 24 years, repeatedly raping her in a soundproof, windowless dungeon he built beneath their home in the Austrian town of Amstetten. He fathered seven children with her. He was imprisoned in 2008 on charges of murder, rape incest, false imprisonment and enslavement. The performance Pension F. is a satire about the hypocrisy of the media and their scandal stories about cases like Josef F. in which the victims are “raped” and abused a second time as long as their stories sell. (more…)

Vlado G. Repnik: EVERGREEN

September 22, 2009 8:00 pm September 23, 2009 8:00 pm

»Easily lost in the comfort of community, entertainment radicals ensure the provision of raw materials to the present cynical need for utopias. This is why everything appears so homely. An arena of terror and tourism as we see it today produces a greater need for minimal diplomacy of intensity than for shedding light on great matters of essence and significant places of action. This is no time for dramatic interventions, but for subtle operations and sensual dynamics, where the establishment of fluid relationships between the big and the small allows for performative movement, manifesting itself in the imperative of the contemporary era – empathy.« (Vlado G. Repnik) (more…)