July 4, 2008 9:00 pm - July 5, 2008 9:00 pm

Music by: Milko Lazar
On the pianos: Milko Lazar, Bojan Gorišek
Visuals: Jasna Hribernik

4th and 5th July 2008, Mestni muzej Ljubljana

Entrance free.


June 2, 2008 - June 8, 2008

Bunker continues with its series of workshops for technicians. Lighting and sound designers, lighting and sound engineers, video artists and stage hands are usually called “support professions” for the performing arts. Nevertheless, in dialogue with artists, they create imaginary worlds for audiences. Since the demand for all afore mentioned professions is greater than the supply, we have been organizing various lectures and workshops for quite some time now. This time we intend to include practical work in our educational programme.