Roland Schimmelpfennig: BEFORE/AFTER

December 21, 2008 8:00 pm

The last performance BEFORE/AFTER will be an exuberant one!

THE WAITING MAN : »That I’m waiting for you, seems to be by way of a law of nature. The man waits. The man waits for the woman. Do you know how many hours of my life I’ve waited for you? Do you know that? And why? Because you’re not capable of making a plan. Making a plan and keeping to it. You are not built with that capacity. Simply not able to. That’s why I don’t get upset about it any more. It’s like a disability. We made out a time. We said, we’ll leave at ten o’clock. It’s twenty to ten, and you announce, that you’ve just got to take a short shower. And I know what that means!« (excerpt)

“Sebastijan Horvat and his excellent group of actors completely adapted the text and gave it its own congenial theatre form. In his performance “Before/After” (about which much more could be written), Horvat synthesises and re-opens many viewpoints from the (post) modern European and American performance theatre – a theatre form, which always tried to invent a language for performing all that remained from humanity, within the context of the machinations of the capitalistic machine.” Rok Vevar, Večer

Directed by: Sebastijan Horvat
Set and Costume design by: Petra Veber
Music by: Drago Ivanuša Prevod/Translation: Urška Brodar
Performers: Matevž Biber, Alja Kapun, Miha Nemec, Iuna Ornik, Nejc Ropret, Alenka Tetičkovič, Aljoša Ternovšek, Štefka Drolc
Producer: E.P.I. CENTER
Executive Producer: Tamara Bračič
Assistant producer: Maks Soršak