Bara Kolenc: STUDIO

Category: ,
December 13, 2008 8:00 pm December 14, 2008 8:00 pm

»The choreographer and dancer Bara Kolenc found the inspiration for her dance-theatrical performance in the exciting and also sad life story of Karla Bulovec Mrak (1895-1957), a sculptor who from her childhood to her death was entangled in obsessions, poverty, peaks of creativity and more often than not in creative crisis. Bara Kolenc is an artist and a very interesting performer, who has successfully managed to weave the intimate sculptor’s chaos into a meaningful and visually attractive fabric for this hour long performance.« Mojca Kumerdej, Delo, October 13th, 2008

Idea, directed by and choreographed by: Bara Kolenc
Dancers/Performers: Dragana Bulut, Alja Kapun, Gregor Luštek, Sebastjan Starič, Bara Kolenc
Dramaturgy consultant: Bojana Kunst
Original music and sound design: Matevž Kolenc
Lighting design: Miran Šušteršič
Set design: Blaž Bačar
Costume design: Iztok Hrga
Graphic design: Atej Tutta
Executive producers: Mateja Adamič, Jasmina Založnik
Production: KUD Samosvoj
Co-production: Društvo Mesto žensk, Bunker, Ljubljana, KUD Pozitiv
In co-operation with: Zavod Pekarna magdalenske mreže, KUD Krea, KUD Javorov hudič, Dijaški dom Ivana Cankarja, Agencija Jota
International co-producers: Academica Association Užice, Stanica – Servis za sodobno umetnost Beograd, PVC Teater Novi Sad