Category: ,
November 20, 2008 8:00 pm November 21, 2008 8:00 pm

Today it is not just that most of our consumer objects are in fact Chinese: China has presented us with far more radical changes in the structure of the social and also the organization of the family as a whole. With its »one child« policy, China has shown that sibling relationships can be eradicated. In China we therefore do not have brothers and sisters anymore. The lack of sibling rivalry however, does not necessary bring contentment to people. The Chinese worry is that one-child families are creating »The Child Emperors« – narcissistic boys over-indulged by parental love who have problems forming social relationships. China is also opening new ways of thinking through people’s beliefs in authority and religion. Dostoevski in his »Brothers Karamazov« famously concluded that if God does not exist everything becomes allowable. Jaques Lacan, however, reversed this saying into: “If God does not exist, nothing is permitted any longer.« China has created its own gods to escape this dilemma. The god of the Communist Party seems to thrive hand in hand with the god of Capitalism. A strange new brotherhood »Made in China« is emerging today.
Renata Salecl

Idea, choreography: Mateja Bučar
Dance, choreography: I-Fen Lin, Mu-Yi Kuo, Pei-Jen Tsai, Reb Mur-Ji (Rebecca Murgi)
Visual concept: Vadim Fishkin
Music: Borut Savski
Production: DUM – Društvo Umetnikov
Coproduction: Bunker, Ljubljana / Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana,
Anton Podbevšek Teater

Information and booking: 040 187 977,