International festival ensemble: TANDEM

Photo: Kristjan Kolar

Wednesday, November 23 at 8pm

The performance is in English and Slovene.

First festival evening is the evening of glancing over. Guest artists meet on stage and open the festival processes of creation, curious insights into the works of the other and deepening the relationships. We will witness six duets – some of them are already well versed ensembles, the others are completeley new combinations. They will play with the moment when two people gaze into each other’s eyes and explore what can develop from that. Sweet flirting and crossing over on all levels – between artists, between the audience and artists, between space, time and people.

Basic concept: Matthieu Loos
Hosts: Juš Milčinski, Maja Dekleva Lapajne
Performance: Beatrix Brunschko, Gregor Moder, Jacob Banigan, Katarina Veselko, Koray Bülent Tarhan, Rok Bohinc, Sara Šoukal, Tomaž Lapajne Dekleva, Vid Sodnik, Zeynep Özyurt Tarhan
Music: Evren Gülseven, Hannu Risku
Lights: Borut Cajnko