Fourklor: O SOLO TRIO!

Category: ,
November 10, 2008 8:00 pm November 12, 2008 8:00 pm

A performance for a female dancer, a singer and a performer!
Regarding an individual who is dedicated to his/her genre body and springs forth from it.
Regarding the duality and multi-complexity of a person.
Regarding the confession of an intimate universe in confrontation with itself and others.
Through situations which lead us across the associative fields of life, we enter a creative
dialogue and parry them with our own procedures and forms.
A walk on the edge of the corporal world leads us to touch the never ending questioning of ourselves and the redefining of our actions.

Choreographer and creator: <strong>Branko Potočan</strong>
Performers, co-creators: J<strong>ana Menger, Niko Novak, Branko Potočan</strong>
Sound design: <strong>Niko Novak</strong>
Lighting design: <strong>Tomaž Štrucl</strong>
Sound manipulation: <strong>Jure Vlahovič</strong>
Executive producer: <strong>Jelena Milovanović</strong>
Production: <a href=”” target=”_blank”><strong>Vitkar zavod</strong></a>