Via Negativa: OUT

November 4, 2008 8:00 pm November 5, 2008 8:00 pm November 7, 2008 8:00 pm November 8, 2008 8:00 pm

With the OUT project, Via Negativa concludes its seven year cycle (2002-2008) of performance pieces with the theme of the seven deadly sins.
Our notion is that anger, gluttony, greed, lust, sloth, envy and pride are core aspects of every individual’s identity. Each of these human attributes opens up a conflict, which is built into the subjective self of each individual: on the one hand, one builds mechanisms and strategies of defence from these negative drives in order to conform to society’s demands of control and suppression of these drives; on the other hand, one develops various forms of release, because one cannot stand the pressure of one’s own subjectivity. OUT is a performance that explores the basic mechanisms of pride in the theatrical situation, and tests the logic of pride through the relationship between the viewers and the performers themselves.

Creators: Katarina Stegnar, Gregor Zorc, Darko Japelj, Sanela Milošević, Kristian Al
Droubi, Petra Zanki, Boris Kadin, Rok Matek, Uroš Kaurin, Nataša Živković, Bojan Jablanovec

Concept, directed by: Bojan Jablanovec
Co-creator of concept: Katarina Stegnar
Set design: Via Negativa
Lighting design: Via Negativa
KCostume design: Via Negativa
Additional costume design: Oliver Jularić
Producer: Špela Trošt
Production: Via Negativa, Vseučilišče v Zagrebu – Študentski center –Teater &TD
Co-production: Gledališče Glej